Reshala spawn time This would be acceptable if the loot was good, but this place is rather stingy Seems like the spawn rate is lower if you’re the one inviting, and you have the quest to kill him. 1 ONLY All credit goes to Lua, the creator of this mod. Rng could just be fucking with my head as well. " or "Reshala keeps killing me. I main customs and it happend more than once. We'll cover everything there is to know, including:Where does R Killa probably second place but I swear I've had a 3 man sweep dorms and go "No Reshala" then we throw a nade and hear some angry Russian and sure enough we find Reshala behind a wardrobe in a random ass room. A former doctor and scientist. On every map but Factory(?) you will get packet loss if the Boss did NOT spawn in. Does he spawn at dorms more than these other locations? I don't hear Reshala does NOT spawn at the beginning of the raid like other bosses. 45 fmj to the face died Maybe instead 20%, they added a extra zeros. I pretty much only played customs by now and know his spawn locations thanks to the EFT Wiki map. Its 24% on interchange/reserve. 8. 0 Getting those FIR cards never been easier for me. Reshalaを倒すには、発見される前にReshalaの場所を見つけて倒すことがオススメです。 茶色のパーカーを着ているので、青いジャケットを着ている護衛と見分けがつきやすいです。 Reshalaに発見されてしまうと彼は護衛の後方に逃げるように行動します。 見つかっても逃げられるまえに倒すのが Theoretically at one point last wipe, you could have bloodhounds, goons, cultists and reshala at stronghold. If you wanna buy drugs from sanitar it is better to wait it out. Scavengers, known by their alias "Scavs", are a faction in Escape from Tarkov. I wonder if it Cultists are a faction and a type of Bosses in Escape from Tarkov. ) Example: Bot Type = Scavs Bot Amount = [1,1,1,2] Waves = 15 Interval Waves = 3 TIME: Raid I'm pretty sure I've seen Reshala's squad Duke it out (and get smoked by) the goons, so it stands to reason they could all have a party. I've seen him, but maybe about 50% of the time. Karma at 1. For your The Huntsman Path, you need to kill Reshala once. Can confirm that Reshala does not have a 100% spawn chance at the resort. Shturman needs to be killed once each for the quests The Huntsman Path - If they do spawn here, you can stay at a distance and pick them off one at a time, as you could stay out of their engagement range. As fun as it is to kill him and his boys, especially since I can set the spawn rate to 100%, I'd like to move on with this quest at some point, you know. Let this stupid Russian gangster carry around his fake golden gun ffs. I admit that's more than the usual 35% spawn chance or whatever, but even so, not getting 3rd partied every time was huge. Find out what each Ninja Time boss drops by using the tables below! Boss Name I have about 700 hours this wipe. He spawns on the new gas station towards the south side or next to trucks on the western side or even around the front near Probably lower spawn rate for start of wipe to impede players getting all the best shit early. 6% spawn rate on streets. After turning on that option, Reshala spawned with all of his guards yet Glukhar did not spawn at Does Reshala spawn at the start of the raid or does it take a certain amount of time. Cultist's footsteps make absolutely no noise. Haven't found any post about this, but there seems to be a change in his spawn position again A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Fortress building is your better bet for Reshala spawn, imo Reply reply itsyourmomsfriend • I've run into him at gas station and fortress during night raids usually. If it appears, leave. Reply reply BmanUltima • The chances do not change by the time of day. Proceeded to kill 2 more then die to a single shot that ended up being 5 . If the golden TT isn’t a 100% spawn on Reshala, then it should at least have other ways for players to obtain it. Killa has different health values than PMCs and Scavs. For the last few wipes, Reshala shows up more often at night. I’m Not like "I can't get to Reshala fast enough. I finished the Reshala huntsman quest I've seen a plethora of news sources for Tarkov that all point to both Sanitar and Reshala spawning "100% of the time" at Resort. 5 need to be found in raid for the quest Regulated Materials Sport bag Dead Scav Weapon box (5x2) Weapon box Just spent about half an hour fighting Reshala's goons at night time (I'm not the best player ever so it took a minute) even surviving two PMCs joining in twice my level, and when it was finally all over and I looted the body's, Reshala wasn't there! “Balancing changes to #EscapefromTarkov: Increased the chance of hooded guys spawning; Increased Reshala's spawn chance; Increased the minimum time from the start of a raid that's required for player scavs to spawn;” Him & his boys will spawn in dorms. The Checkout all information for items, crafts, barters, maps, loot tiers, hideout profits, trader details, a free API, and more with tarkov. If you do end up getting close, staying in cover and quickly taking shots when peeking is a good idea, but you might just get your head taken off. Kolyan, don't show your face at the resort, reshala and his boys went there to discuss some business, not worth risking it. Was Reshala hunting most of the week. 0, 3. He has 752 total health and wears no armor or helmet. Sanitar is a Scav Boss in Escape from Tarkov. I’ve had two this wipe so far. com/Trey24k🌌 DISCORD - https://trey24k. For the raiders, see Scav Raiders. For the rogues, see Rogues. Not like Reshala and his boys even have the best shit. Incidently Reshala spawned with a Golden TT both times I got him, so I got incredibly lucky! This is a simple client mod that allows cultists to spawn during any day time raid. Find out what the current PvP and PvE Escape from Tarkov Boss Spawn Rate is. My team and I just cleared the ENTIRE resort (every room, floor, and surrounding area), killed Sanitar and his guards, and did not see any of Reshala Reshala is a scav boss in Escape from Tarkov. Every. This is my third wipe I have killed or seen his corpse like 50 times and he has ALWAYS had his golden TT or had been looted pior so no way to tell. Although, he's not much of a fighter, his guards do most of the work. Bosses like Reshala, Tagilla, The Goons, and Glukhar pose varying levels of difficulty. I have seen Reshala's body three times in total (on scav raids). How to easily take out reshala in escape from tarkov pve and find rashala on tarkov pve mode and win against him almost every time!Follow Me on Twitch HERE: Depending on the spawn I get I rush to the closest spawn and check all in the same raid, 80% of the time I check just 2 either dorms and gas station or the expansion area and gas station. dev. Eliminate Reshala Find 1 Reshala's Golden TT in raid Hand over 1 Reshala's Golden TT to Jaeger +15,300 EXP Jaeger Rep +0. Only time I've seen him n the boys at dorms is when there Reply More scavs spawn at 2 minutes if there is a boss, but that doesn't preclude some spawning before that. Reshala often does not spawn instantly. Can’t confirm for this patch though. Killed him with a headshot, and his boys rolled out the second story staircase doorglad I had a 60rd in, got two and ran the third one off If you spawn at old gas, immediately turn and run straight to the tracks. They removed his spawn there after the introduction of the goons. ボス詳細と倒し方 ボス詳細 各マップに低確率でスポーンし 通常のスカブとは異なる装備と行動パターンが特徴 のNPCです。 基本的には複数人でチームとなって行動しており、使ってくる装備水準も高いので倒すのがかなり難しくなっています。 I just ran into Reshala and his boys at stronghold. This video fully gu While I haven't been playing much recently, my friends have been playing a lot this weekend and they are saying that Reshala spawns all of the time Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO discoveries and research. This information is current and up to date courtesy of Tarkov. Also reshala likes to "hide" there when all guards are down. Successfully killed Reshala 4 times and only got the golden TT finally last night I just finished Huntsman Path - Trophy at level 38 because Reshala did not spawn with his golden TT until the 14th time I killed him (Today). Reshala is probably the first Escape from Tarkov BOSS you'll fight. I feel your pain so hard. So definitely far from 100% for me at least. Reshala should spawn with his pistol, and I really only remember this becoming an issue like 2 wipes ago. If they do not appear, regular scavs will, potentially revealing your position to other players. I run into him at stronghold across from crackhouse. It's not a matter of him spawning with it and I died to extract, he never had it on his body UNTIL THE 14TH KILL . So BSG fixed the problem by making it so I’ve killed the goons & reshala same time at castle only to hear a knife to be unsheathed I got stabbed he got both barrels to the face. Like Santiar on Resort and Goons at Reshalaを倒すには、発見される前にReshalaの場所を見つけて倒すことがオススメです。茶色のパーカーを着ているので、青いジャケットを着ている護衛と見分けがつきやすいです。 Reshalaに発見されてしまうと彼は護衛の後方に逃げるよう Does anyone know if there are exact spawn times for reshala? A friend told me he can either spawn in the beginning or middle but I’ve had no luck finding him. If I spawn old gas, and run to the new big building in new construction, I've had him and his goons spawn 15 seconds after I get there right on top of me. Whilst I don't run many They run there from time to time, we found them there a couple of times when we engage them and they start running. It used to be a surefire way and still very much might be, to know if the For the bosses, see Bosses. I noticed that and turned it on, but the weirdest thing is it seems every boss IS spawning with their unique items, except reshala still, I have gotten the golden tt once out of I haven't seen the goons in like 10+ straight raids on maps where they can spawn, also have quite a few Streets raid without either of the scav bosses spawning. Check out the Cultist Circle Calculator! Data provided by Tarkov. If the value is indeed working I suspect the spawns are probably Killa is a Scav Boss in Escape from Tarkov. dev! A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides. Usually, he appears on Customs maps and is called the Dealmaker. Imagine being a new player or just trying to get to extract and you get RNG'd to fucking oblivion. Reply reply kuch3nmann • They can spawn late for sure. The area of his research extended from the influence of various conditions on the body, to developing neurostimulants. I know his spawn is completely random, but every time I don’t want to run into him, ie. Literally every time I don’t want him to be up Yeah the bosses are 100 percent spawning and so are the goons, and the gooners seem to be extra gooning, because i go out of my way to go all the way around the map to avoid them and they seem to be 50 50 on following me Realism has an option called "Force Boss Items" in the config, "Bots" section, to make it so boss's spawn with their unique equipment, in this case Reshala's Golden TT, turn that on if you like. A 30mm high-explosive fragmentation projectile for a 30mm 2A42 cannon used on armored combat vehicles and helicopters. New comments cannot be posted The Huntsman Path - Trophy is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. At least I can say Well, bosses used to spawn 2 minutes after the match started which led to a lot of complaints from players who would be chilling in dorms and Reshala would spawn inside their asshole. I actually heard people fight him in the You can also use your map to track his location, as he tends to spawn in the same area every time. Cultists are cold blooded and can hardly be spotted with thermal vision devices. It Reply Top 1 This is true, but Tagilla’s hat can also spawn on player scavs. In Escape From Tarkov, there are many Scav bosses, and Reshala is one of them. I've fought cultists and sanitar on shoreline at the same time before I have 3 Reshala kills this wipe and 2 golden TTs in my stash and gave the 3rd to a buddy in the same raid so he can keep it for his quest later. And in The Huntsman Path, there are Trophy, Justice, and Relentless quests given to you by Jaeger. If they don’t even have there main identifier on them all the time, then Load up into night time Customs and wait 27 seconds for a packet loss icon in the top right corner. True thou that Reshala does not seem to have them anymore. Each boss item that you have to turn in is meant to be to signify that you killed them. Shturman and his 2 followers have different health values than PMCs and Scavs. 🔴 TWITCH - http://twitch. We call it reshalas car, since then. The Graven Image is a tough mission – you need to take out three new boss characters that spawn in an area at night where other bosses can spawn. When I PMC I mainly go to stronghold and new gas. SPT 3. He can spawn with high-value keys, keycards, or bitcoins in his pockets, and is required to be killed for many quests. tv/discord 📌(Gun Builds, Settings, Gui In this video, I show you two raids exactly as I played them out killing the boss Reshala on Customs in Escape From Tarkov. To make matters worse, Reshala and his guards spawn here. Well, first of - Reshala has about 35% chance to spawn. We have been hunting him on customs and checking the 4 spawns but havent had any luck Archived post. Whereas when a boss is in the map all the initial scavs are generated along with the boss at the start to prevent Reshala Yesterday had reshala peaking out a window on the backside of three story dorm. I’m super juicy with loot or low on meds etc. Kollontay is a new boss added to the game. I believe this is due to the fact there are so many bosses and only so many boss spawn TIL Reshela's golden TT doesn't spawn 100% of the time, wtf. At the Scav base (ZB-013 extraction) building with the numerous See more See below for both PvP boss spawn rate and PvE boss spawn rate. Never found the guy in my 8 attempts. Reshala has been seen to spawn late to the raid, several times. Wether it be running around the entire resort as a Has anyone else felt as though Reshala isn't spawning quite as frequently? Last wipe i remember being able to find him between the three spawn points fairly frequently but it feels as of late I can go almost 10 raids in a row on many given days without seeing him and no signs of others cleaning up before we're able to get to his crew. He sometimes wanders off over the grassy hills towards the checkpoint 3. Killa needs to be killed once each for the quests The Huntsman Path - Sellout and The Huntsman Path - I've been running customs non stop and haven't found reshala yet, I wonder if his spawn rate was lowered? I remember I could consistently find him previous wipe Confirmed 100%. What I’m saying is it seemed like he had it on him 100% of the time. Lua's Cultists Spawn Patcher This is a simple client mod that allows cultists Escape from Tarkovの「ボス」について解説。タルコフボスの湧き位置と出現確率や討伐報酬について紹介しています。ボスタルコフの出現場所を知りたいときの参考にしてください。 Time -1 means he spawn right at the start of the raid. The Crackhouse can spawn medical supplies on the tables and the metal shelves on the 💡 Highlights Tarkov Bosses are powerful enemies in Escape from Tarkov. The best Morphine spots on Customs are the Crackhouse (building with the 2nd floor drug lab) and Stronghold (Goons and Reshala spawn). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Basically it goes that boss spawn should be tied to in-game time, like if you want to find Reshala it should have a 100% chance to spawn between 1000-1400 on customs or something, with different chances for the exact location Yeah and it’s not like something better is going to spawn in it’s place. Craywish and beer later this evening This time around, I could not get Reshala or Glukhar to spawn at all until I turned the "UseDefaultSpawns" "Bosses" option to 'true'. I've been running Customs non-stop losing my mind sprinting to his 3 spawn locations Both reshala and Killa had a 100% spawn rate and it was a fucking war zone littered with bodies. The cultist priest and his 2-4 followers So, I'm lvl 19 and am trying to hunt Reshala. Between trying to get to the different spawn points and surviving, it’s been a grind. They have unique gear, traits, and behavior. Odd that the most time consuming boss hunt for me is the first one and it’s literally because of the game’s RNG. 10% is quite smol, it can be once in 10 raids, or you can be unlucky and not see one in 50, that's how probability works. Killing Cultists as a Scav does not carry any penalties towards your Scav karma. They removed him from that fortress. 02 90,000 Roubles 94,500 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 1 103,500 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 2 1× Magazine case 3× Golden neck chain 2× Gold Shturman is a Scav Boss in Escape from Tarkov. We clear out the Killa and Glukhar only have a 7. For Reshala it's anywhere between 39:48 and 39:32 from what I've seen. I have ran customs surely over 100 matches, all matches I usually go to 2 or even all 3 spawn points, and I have seen Reshala twice in all wipe. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. " No, I just can't find him. Instead of the typical 4 single slot pockets, he has 5 double slot pockets, bringing their total space to 10 slots. That said I believe it's possible for both to spawn. His tt spawns less than half the time and the odds him As stated by someone else, reshala doesn’t spawn at stronghold so you can skip looking there. He usually spawns in anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes into the raid. Instead of the typical 4 single slot pockets, he has 5 triple slot pockets, bringing their total space to 15 slots. At the new gas station, either inside or around it. Its I spawn with a keycard on a scav ~25% of time. At the onset of active hostilities in the city, in addition to the predictable humanitarian consequences, a special trend is observed that Ninja Time Trello | Mejoress Above is a map of where each boss will spawn. (You can also add a slight time delay to each wave which just makes it so spawns don't all spawn at the exact same time interval. I have been running night raids just to limit the amount of other players. Never seen all 3 at once though. tv/trey24k📺 MAIN CHANNEL - http://youtube. Reply reply More replies mrheyde • Check the new building above zb 013 I’ve killed him there 3 times I decided to set reshala's spawn chance to 99 and ran a few raids to see if I could find him in his spawns but he never appeared (bossOpenZones is set to false). Yes both bosses can spawn at same time. "Farming" is not the word I would use, but killing him when you have a chance is definitely a move. " or even "I can't extract with his pistol. Don’t bother trying to catch him outside or snipe him from outside to inside. I haven't seen him either. I've killed him more than a dozen times now and he always has this pos PL-15. We've tested this out about a dozen times. Time. Besides the TerraGroup laboratory, he Is there any legitimate reason as to why Reshala doesn’t spawn with his tt 100% of the time? Lore wise it doesn’t hold up. In this Escape From Tarkov guide, we take an in-depth look at the Customs scav boss, Reshala. Although be sure you have `Bosses Bosses are powerful enemies with unique gear, traits and behavior in Escape from Tarkov. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll need to fight these three bosses, and Cultists, and Reshala, and The Goons. I'd prefer them to create loadouts for bosses based on the wipe time. He worked for TerraGroup Labs and led several projects in the laboratory, including the development of new psychoactive substances. Where does Reshala spawn on Customs? Reshala usually spawns on the map along with a number of his goons in the three-storey dormitory on any of the floors. Reshala often spawns outside of fort and will just stand around on the concrete ramp off to the side with all his guards. Reply reply [deleted] • Haha damn this hit too hard. Reshala can be found on the Customslocation: 1. At the dorms area, either in one of the dorms or in the yard between them 2. I've been running "Running Simulator 2024" aka Shoreline at least 20 or 25 times, didn't see Sanitar once, I've been trying so hard by running both Resort's wings and Cottage between 5 to 10 raids. Tips and Tricks: Make sure to bring a good amount of ammo and health packs, as the fight with Reshala and his guards can be intense. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket. Is it bug, we don't know but it can happen. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket The OFZ 30x165mm shell (OFZ) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. 10-15ish raids on shoreline without sanitar. He’s got like a 35% spawn rate. Dev and should help with hunting the goons or any Tarkov bosses. Here, each is numbered, so you can see where the location is. Damn. 3 in a row once I finished the quest. Reshala didn’t spawn. If you enjoy or found this helpfu I've been on Factory at least 15 times, didn't see Tagilla a single time but got killed twice by the same cheater. vvkajmosoelojdpgihixegfkicfudnetjacsmdlddpoxktwsgaevmfjewlcfgfwrrbinbbkzb