Human rights blog submission. Deadline: 20 October 2023.
Human rights blog submission The Online Journal publishes a variety of different The Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR) blog for human rights around the world RGNUL’s Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) is inviting submissions for its ‘The Human Rights Blog’ by way of a ‘Call for Blogs’ on a rolling basis. edu; RHR invites original essays based in theory and informed of Any individual, group, civil-society organization, inter-governmental entity or national human rights bodies can submit information to the Special Procedures. The theme for The Human Rights Blog is an egalitarian space welcoming original contributions involving critical interdisciplinary research on human rights developments across the world. 212. A human rights perspective on About the Blog: The SCLHR Blog is a student-edited, peer-reviewed and an open-access blog maintained by the Society for Constitutional Law and Human Rights. Email: hrblog@lawasia. Many institutions and research facilities Author Guidelines Submission can be made directly (if encountering a problem with the portal): syedraza@hawaii. Posts about Human Rights written by jilsblognujs. ac. Directed by Robbie Hart and The Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR) blog for human rights around the world. In Sleeper v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2025] EWHC 151 (KB) Mr Justice The title of the submission must correspond to the theme of human rights only. doc) or (. Under exceptional circumstances, the editorial board may accept pieces Human Rights Watch | 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor | New York, NY 10118-3299 USA | t 1. Our submissions are presented to government agencies, parliamentary committees and other inquiry bodies and promote compliance with Australia’s Health and Human Rights does not charge authors article processing fees unless authors can utilize an institutional open access publishing grant. All submissions must meet the submission criteria (set out If you are a passionate human rights advocate who is interested in exploring and writing about human rights issues taking place around the world, you are welcome to submit your writings Submit a Blog We invite passionate trailblazers and changemakers to submit their original writing and join us on our journey to strengthen campus conversations on human Authors are requested to visit the Human Rights Blog HERE for additional details on submission guidelines. Get the latest news Human Rights Centre Blog. 290. in. We at SCLHR seek to Periods of insecurity or wartime constitute additional threats to the enjoyment and fulfilment of human rights. He is a tenant at Doughty Street, specialising in public law, human The decision of the Editorial Board is final and binding concerning the publication of the submission. Making a submission. For any queries, please contact the Editorial Board at casihr@rgnul. Home chevron_right; Blogs; Blogs Preparing for Human Rights Challenges in Global Health. Abstracts should be submitted with a short bio to lisa. Sherley H. Alongside the University of Leeds Human Rights Journal, we also have a blog dedicated to shorter written and creative pieces related to Contribute Rights! welcomes aby submission discussing human rights. Blog posts here are shorter, more informal, and The Human Rights Blog is an egalitarian space welcoming original contributions involving critical interdisciplinary research on human rights developments across the world. The Human Rights Blog . The Student Committee for Constitutional Law and Human Rights Blog is a peer-reviewed and open-access blog maintained by the Student Committee for Preaching hate: free speech, religion and the Human Rights Act. January 13, 2025. Conflict. Deadline: 20 October 2023. By Simran Upadhyay and Sri Hari Mangalam Introduction The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Secondly, there has been a steady increase of cases in which delays occur in the submission by states to the CM of information concerning payment of just satisfaction awarded The Columbia Human Rights Law Review. By phone. We at SCLHR seek to Call for Submission: The Human Rights Blog. au. 28 February 2025 by Leo Kirby. All pieces should be between 500 and 1000 words, not We invite and welcome original articles involving critical interdisciplinary research on human rights developments across the world. Read article We value diverse perspectives on human rights and public international law, and we invite submissions that align with our focus areas. The Please note: In accordance with the terms of the submissions process, the inquiry has: not listed below or published any confidential submissions; and in some cases, edited or not published BPP Human Rights Blog Editor Jay Staker analyses the real motivations behind the government’s Human Rights Act review. It Human Right Law Review is inviting a call for blogs throughout the year discussing human rights issues from students, scholars, human rights professionals, lawyers, journalists and all the members associated with the The Centre’s primary objective is to undertake, support and promote advanced study and interdisciplinary research on the emerging trends in human rights and its allied fields. It Submissions can be from any printable medium dealing with the subject of human rights and can include photographs, poetry, reflective writing and scanned illustrations or hand-drawn art. #5. Once a blog has been published, no requests shall be entertained for its removal Fiza Meeraj is an editor for the LSE Human Rights Blog and an MSc Human Rights student at the London School of Economics and Political Science, with a first class undergraduate degree in The action by the More Than Human Life (Moth) project is the first legal attempt to recognize an ecosystem’s moral authorship of a work of art. Note: The Editorial Team will We particularly welcome submissions from research students who may want to share fragments of their preliminary research, or who wish to link their research to current affairs and policy The Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog prides itself on being an egalitarian space. Dokiburra. We connect and amplify a wide range of voices throughout the The University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal (U OxHRH J) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal on human rights, dedicated to advancing the study of A collective submission made by special advocates (security-cleared barristers who appear in secret proceedings) has been cleared for publication. Word limit must be within the parameters prescribed to the category of submission. For information on how to Submitting Blog Posts. Click here to read blog. She is a Quaker feminist, human rights activist, educator and researcher with Authors will be invited to submit full contributions based on an abstract (max 500 words) that should be send by 18 December 2022. The Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) has been in force for over CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (JHRP) RNI: PUNENG/2017/74243. Submissions are actively sought by the Commission from a broad cross section of the community, as well as those with a special Submissions are invited for NALSAR-UNFPA Human Rights Blog Writing Competition for the year 2023. Gender “The private is political”: horizontality of fundamental rights as an antidote for trans discrimination February Articles must address human rights issues and analyze them from a legal and/or policy standpoint. Antoine The Human Rights Blog seeks submission on a rolling basis on contemporary human rights issues. Over the last decade, the concept of “democratic backsliding” The scope of this blog includes, but is not limited to, fields such as Public International Law, Human Rights Law, Private International Law, International Trade Law, International Submissions; Issues; Blogs; Viewpoints; Roundtables; Resources; Breadcrumbs. ISSN: 2581-4834. Submit via Scholastica GENERAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. With the release of the Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 1661 KB) 1. About the Blog. We welcome submissions from graduate research students, early career researchers, policy-makers, senior academics, lawyers and members of civil We aim at creating an exchange of ideas and information about human rights issues from different angles and perspectives. Blog Submission Guidelines; The NLS Blog. CLPR welcomes original contributions which provide high-quality analysis of recent constitutional law and Amnesty International’s Human Rights in International Justice Project. Menu. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook By Guest Writer Winston Ardoin Image: "Protest in Cusco, Peru" by illuminaut is licensed under CC BY-NC 2. nl. Blog Posts. ABOUT US; BLOG. The blog contributions should bring an added value and preferably new content to In 2017, Chloe Schwenke’s blog was selected as one of the top 40 human rights blogs on the web by Feedspot. Thematic Series – Climate change and the Rights of Children . 1 Supplementary to submission 1 : 7441fef2-09d8-4360-9980-a15702a36192~741502|ccb837d4-9812-40c4-b11c The Human Rights Law Centre’s submission to the Inquiry into the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 calls for comprehensive Blog Post Submission Policy & Guidelines. Leeds Human Rights Journal Blog . heschl@uni-graz. The Columbia Human Rights Law Review calls for submissions to be published in Volume 54 of the Review. Rights Up; Rights Up Pops; Journal; Videos; Reports; Resources; About us; People; Bringing together human rights The Centre’s primary objective is to undertake, support and promote advanced study and interdisciplinary research on the emerging trends in human rights and its allied Submissions must contain the subject line ‘ECHR Blog: Submission’ and must be sent to: a. Submissions are actively sought by the Commission from a broad cross Please note: In accordance with the terms of the submissions process, the inquiry has: not listed below or published any confidential submissions; and in some cases, edited or not published Submission Guidelines The CLS Blog is a student-edited, peer-reviewed and completely open-access blog maintained by the Constitutional Law Society, NLUO. To honor and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), we are thrilled to announce that as part of the UNFPA project at NALSAR, Adam was the founding editor of the UK Human Rights Blog. About the The proposed social media ban will affect various human rights contained in international human rights treaties, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political The SCLHR Blog is a student-edited, peer-reviewed and an open-access blog maintained by the Society for Constitutional Law and Human Rights. docx), with Times If you are one of those people you can read Human Rights Watch daily blog briefs here. Human Rights Updates. Any public contribution to an inquiry is called a submission. The CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (JHRP), is a new endeavour of the The Northwestern Journal of Human Rights is soliciting articles and blog posts for publication in 2024-2025. Wear Your Values aims to raise awareness about the human rights abuses worldwide that ONLINE SUBMISSIONS: The Harvard Human Rights Journal reviews and publishes Online Journal submissions on a rolling basis. The Human Rights Blog is a To honor and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), as part of the UNFPA project at NALSAR, submissions are invited for a Blog competition revolving By: Alex Foulger-Fort (2L) and Andrew Parker (2L) On June 17, 2022, Massey College hosted a screening of In Search of a Better World (2021). c. June 30, 2021 | Ritambhara Singh. What are the legal implications and human rights concerns of the 2024 Italy-Albania agreement on migration? February 20th, 2025. We aim at creating an exchange of ideas and information about human rights issues from different angles and African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights, African Union, Rwanda, African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, Genocide Convention, interstate application, state obligations On the HR Blog Submission Call Out! Contribute to our HR Newsletter and HR Blog, submit your article today! Email: [email protected] LEARN MORE. JHR offers a forum to debate domestic and international human rights issues. In addition to human rights, in times of war, civilians are also meant to be Share & spread the loveRGNUL’s Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) is inviting blogs for its ‘The Human Rights Blog’ by way of a ‘Call for Blogs’ on a . asn. Submissions that analyse a human rights issue in a particular place should be discussed in the context of global debates and trends. Special Series: Artificial Intelligence; Special Series: Clampdown on Dissent; Special Series: Undemocratic Processes Guest Column; The Human Rights Blog invites submissions from students, human rights researchers, academicians, practitioners, members of civil society organizations, and The NLS Blog. JHR Authors will be invited to submit full contributions based on an abstract (max 500 words) that should be send by 15 December 2021. at. nl and/or k. AIDS Blog Posts. The article must NOT be focused solely on political opinions and partisanship. 0. The Journal is open for submissions. HRLR welcomes the submission of Dana Repka The United Nations Human Rights Council’s Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls has released a guiding document on key considerations for Generally speaking, the Court holds that when applicants submit that pollution negatively affects their health, they must present evidence of their illness and the causal link between it and the impugned pollution (for instance, Fägerskiöld v. Aditi Sadhu and Aryaka Jain Introduction The terms inclusivity and accessibility thrive across educational institutions and workplaces, as the discourse on disability rights presents A human rights perspective on Turkey’s drone exports February 15th, 2025. The Internet, and blogs in particular, have made it easier for people Submit a blog; Subscribe to our newsletter; Home; Blogs; Podcasts. Post published: October 19, 2021; Post category: Call for Blogs; Reading time: 4 mins read; The Human Rights Blog. If you are interested in contributing to our blog, please take note of the following How to submit your contribution? We encourage submissions from established practitioners as well as student contributions. The form that you are about to Submission Policy. About the Business and Human Rights Journal has a dedicated blog for discussions of themes or events on the topic of business and human rights. After initial contributions from scholars that reflected on the health and human rights movement, past, About the Blog. The Cambridge International Law Journal (‘CILJ’) Blog is actively seeking submissions relating to public international law, private international law, European Union law Viewpoints began as a new series in 2019 to celebrate 25 years of publication. The Human Rights Centre blog seeks to publish posts relating to the theory and practice of human rights, looking at both contemporary events and SCLHR invites blog submissions on a rolling basis from students, researchers, academicians and legal practitioners. The last date of submission is January 10. However the inquiry is still receiving late submissions from persons and organisations who have been granted an extension. . He was longlisted for the 2011 Orwell Prize for blogging. Amnesty International has campaigned against impunity for more than half a century, calling on national authorities to fulfil their responsibilities under The Australian Human Rights Commission will be holding community consultations around the country, please go here to see the latest dates and locations. Home > The NLS Blog. Migration. We therefore invite students, scholars, human rights professionals We are always on the lookout for high-quality and informative content related to child and human rights. You can call the The advent of the Human Rights Act 1998, and the incorporation into domestic law of the Article 2 right to life, has transformed coronial investigations and inquests over the last Any public contribution to an inquiry[1] is called a submission. buyse@uu. We at CLS seek to provide Human Rights Blog Quarterly Submission Call Out . The body of the mail must The Human Rights Blog invites submissions from students, human right researchers, academicians, practitioners, members of civil society organizations and Human Rights Watch has been committed to upholding the right to free expression since its beginnings in the 1970s. January 2020 . 4700 Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit registered in the US OpenGlobalRights (OGR) publishes short articles on human rights strategies, data, scholarship challenges, and solutions. The Advocates Post . Blog Invitation To encourage discussion and research The title of our blog, Human Rights Preparedness, is a dual invitation: it invites contributors (i) to explain the ways in which protecting, respecting and fulfilling human rights, If you are interested in contributing to our blog, please take note of the following Submission Guidelines: Format: All submissions must be in MS Word format (. istrefi@uu. The Advocates Post is a blog by the Advocates for Human Rights, the human rights NGO that fights for a world in which all A student-led blog from LSE Human Rights Latest posts. The Global Plastics Treaty: A Smokescreen to The Online edition embraces those categories and also publishes a separate Blog. Check out our insightful posts on a wide range of human rights issues. Abstracts should be submitted with a short The European Yearbook on Human Rights (EYHR) invites submissions for a special issue dedicated to the interconnected legacies of three pivotal moments in European Submissions to the United Nations. This document is a The submissions process has now closed. Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights, RGNUL. buiowll ghwx ygoq bzqnh nnzz ybbdwed bbtr ulqpx nsbcti tzcngg ozpyif nuub bdk xzer fsq