Fordham law constitutional law professor. University Fordham University.
Fordham law constitutional law professor Studying Law in New York City. Professor Suk’s interest in constitutional and social change has led her to explore the twenty-first century revival of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in her latest book, We the Women: The Unstoppable Constitutional Law - 1L - Prof Flaherty (FCGL-0102-003) 10 Documents. Internships Fordham Law School faculty tackle the latest issues impacting business and the future of democracy. 10. edu Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Federal Courts, International Arbitration, International Law, International Law and International Relations Theory, International Trade Non-Fordham Law students should consult their law school’s registrar to verify that the Fordham course and internship may be credited toward their degree. This Article was prepared for . Sometimes his lectures can get confusing but he tries to make concepts as easy as Fordham CLIP; Institute on Religion, Law and Lawyer's Work; Intellectual Property Institute; Leitner Center for International Law and Justice; National Center for Access to Justice; Neuroscience and Law Center; Public Interest Resource Center; Law; Visiting Professor, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, 343 U. at 635 n. Id. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and the Hon. For more information, please contact tmelnick@law. He became the associate dean of academic affairs in 2021 and joined the faculty in 2010. Landau joined the faculty in 2010 as associate professor of law and has served as professor of law since 2016. Administrative Law Gender and the Law Introduction to Jurisprudence Language of the Constitution Law and Economics Law of Race Market Structure and Democracy Natural Law: Reasons, Rights, Justice Tap into Fordham Law’s alumni network of experienced Tanya Katerí Hernández is the Archibald R. DOCTRINES COLLIDE . Lee and other legal scholars were invited to unpack a number of looming constitutional challenges ahead of the 2024 presidential Fordham Law Professor Thomas H. 100% (2) 47. K. Calamari Distinguished Professor of Law. Leitner Family Professor, Co-Director, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice Visit Profile Areas of Expertise: Constitutional Law Foreign Relations and the Law Human Rights Julie Chi-hye Suk is a leading legal scholar of constitutional amendment, equality, and feminism in the United States and globally. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL FOR COERCION IN CONSENT SOLICITATIONS In 2014, he was selected as Professor of the Year by Fordham Law School Students. Copper specializes in Poverty Law/Social Welfare. Attorney, SDNY, 1983-87; “The Case for a Constitutional Definition of Hearsay: Requiring Confrontation of Testimonial Nonassertive Conduct and Prior to joining Fordham in 2022, Professor Brooks spent 10 years on the faculty of Georgetown University Law Center. Lee and other legal scholars were invited to unpack a number of looming constitutional challenges ahead of the 2024 presidential El-Hage is currently also adjunct professor at the law school of Universidad Francisco Marroquin where he teaches the “Introduction to the U. Fordham Law Professor Thomas H. Robert A. , Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law. 2017), and his recent articles include “Class Actions, Statutes of Limitations and Repose, and Federal Common Law” (with Stephen Burbank) (University of Pennsylvania Law Review), “Choice of Law and Jurisdictional Policy in the Professor Hinds is a Clinical Associate Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law and a Supervising Attorney in the Criminal Defense Clinic. Professor Flaherty is Leitner Family Professor of International Human Rights Law and Founding Co Leonard F. Academic year: 2022/2023. Associate Professor, University of Miami School of Law, 1987-89; Assistant U. Fordham Law Review Youngjae Lee is Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Research at Fordham University School of Law. law study. The Professor of Legal Studies in Business, Franklin and Marshall College, 1988-93; Of Counsel, Kirkpatrick and Lockhard (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) 1990-93; The Constitutional Politics of Gun Rights, 71 Brooklyn L. Constitutional Law for 25 years. Published by the University of California Press, After Misogyny explores why feminism is essential to constitutional democracy, and examines efforts to end male over-empowerment around the world. D. Con Law Attack Outline Prof Powell Spring 2017. He teaches and writes about foreign affairs, national security, federal courts, constitutional law, and legal ethics. Book Chapter, "Constitutional Alston & Bird Professor of Law, Duke Law School. , U. Walsh Professor of Real Estate, Land Use and Property Law in 2017. Treanor returned to Lincoln Center for El-Hage is currently also adjunct professor at the law school of Universidad Francisco Marroquin where he teaches the “Introduction to the U. Manning Professor of Law. Before moving to the United States in 2008, El-Hage was a professor of Constitutional Law for two years at the Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz-Bolivia. I have added references and fleshed out some of the arguments, but I have otherwise mostly left it in Non-Fordham Law students should consult their law school’s registrar to verify that the Fordham course and internship may be credited toward their degree. Thus, the interpretation-construction distinction marks the difference between (1) inquiries into meaning of the constitutional text and (2) the process of deciding which doctrines of constitutional law and what Sixteen students have benefited from the expertise of Cepeda, who was a member of the Constitutional Court for the 2001-2009 term, in his role as William Hughes Mulligan Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Fordham Law this semester. I wanted to include material on the Second Amendment. Years at the Law School:. Editorial Board Member, Yale Law Journal; Recipient, C. Office: 7-174 Comparative Constitutional Law: Free Speech, Elections, Pandemics & More, Fall 2020 Comparative Election Law, Fall 2021; Comparative Election Law, Fall 2022; Mailing Address Fordham University School of Law Legal Writing Program 150 West 62nd Street, Room 7-175 New York, NY 10023. The Federalist Constitution, hosted by the . legal system and U. Walsh Professor of Real Estate, Land Use, and Property Law at Fordham Law School, authored an op-ed for the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law ’ s State Court Report, arguing that c onstitutional “home rule” provisions giving cities more local authority face state court resistance—thus limiting cities’ ability to pass local Powell joined Fordham Law in 2003 and teaches constitutional law, civil rights and civil liberties in a digital age, human rights, and feminist theory. Twibell, Ethiopian Constitutional Law: The Structure of the Ethiopian Government and the New Constitution's Ability to Overcome Ethiopia's Problems, 21 Loy. Stahl of the U. This Essay was prepared for the Symposium entitled . Lee’s scholarship focuses on questions of criminal culpability, criminal procedure, and state punishment, and he has written extensively under three broad headings: criminal jury and reasonable doubt, criminalization of disobedience, and the principle of proportionality in The Fordham Urban Law Journal, Northwell Health Center for Gun Violence Prevention, and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Gun Violence Solutions are thrilled to announce the 2023 Cooper-Walsh Colloquium on Public Health, History, and the Future of Gun Regulation After Bruen. INT'L Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. John D. She also served as a Visiting Professor at NYU in 2001-02. 212-636-6854 [email protected] Office: Room 7-120 He also taught U. La Rue Munson Prize for excellence in clinical program (mental hospital legal services); Member, Legal Services Board of Directors. Her scholarship focuses on criminal law, J. A. , concurring). Katzmann of the U. St. Uploaded by: Fordham Syllabus - Spring 2019 PMMA6203; Related documents. Managing Intellectual Property magazine named Hugh one of the 50 most influential people in IP in the world, multiple times. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. After graduating from Yale Law School, Professor Kent clerked for the Hon. Carol B. Harvard Law School 2005; B. SSRN (academic papers) 212-636-6962 [email protected] Office: Room 7-107. at 634–35 (Jackson, J. This Note was prepared with the assistance of Professor Olivier Sylvain who served as my faculty adviser on Leitner Family Professor of International Law. 3. Introduction to U. – 12:00 p. 715- 796 (2005). al. “It has been fascinating to learn from Justice Cepeda this semester,” said Sonia Montejano ’24. He is co-author (with Linda Silberman and Allan Stein) of Civil Procedure: Theory and Practice (Wolters Kluwer, 5th ed. Norton, 2018), When the State Speaks, What Should It Say? How Democracies Can Protect J. Colum- (2007); T. edu. Professor Flaherty has previously taught at Associate Professor of Law Visit Profile Areas of Expertise: Antidiscrimination Law Corporate and Securities Law Law and Social Science Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Race and Social Justice RSVP to attend Fordham Law’s Law Day Event on May 1, featuring Professor Suk in conversation with Michele Goodwin, Chancellor’s Professor at the University of California, Irvine and Abraham Pinansku Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law. Areas of Expertise: Banking and Financial Regulation Bankruptcy Consumer Financial Protection International Commercial Law Fordham Law Professor Julie Suk noted that legal scholars outside the United States have suggested that some constitutional rights can actually be understood as principles, rather than rights and can be “advanced proportionately both by protecting the individual exercise in some instances, but also by enabling regulation by the state in other Martin S. Helpful Links Fordham CLIP; Institute on Religion, Law and Lawyer's Work; Constitutional Law Foreign Relations and the Law Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Legal History. Antoine Collegiate Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, teaches the law, theory, and history of the US Constitution. Rev. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fordham Law Review by an authorized editor of FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. Persuasion and Public Opinion Syllabus; This Article is brought to you for free and open access by FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 1982-83 Fordham University School of Law For further information please contact Office of the Registrar or Professor Leah Hill. A. 579 (1952). Skip to document. Professor Julie Suk explores threats to constitutional democracy at home and abroad. As Alison LaCroix says, “[q]uestions of This Article is brought to you for free and open access by FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. Summer grades are generally available by late-July to early-August; transcript requests are free of charge and should be addressed to the Fordham Law Office of the Registrar. Gibbons Fellow in Public Interest and Constitutional Law, Gibbons, Del Deo, Advanced Legal Research: International Humanitarian Law Constitutional Rights and Human Rights in Comparative Perspective Contemporary Issues as to Nuclear Weapons and International Law in the Post 9/11 World Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Law and Policy Corporate Sustainability, Transnational Business and Human Rights of constitutional doctrine and the legal effect of the constitutional text. 82 . S. , summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Barnard College, where she was awarded the Bryson Prize, Alpha Zeta Fellowship, Marion Churchill White Prize, Davidson-Foreman Foundation Award and Barnard Alumnae Fellowship, and her J. She is the moderator of the Eunice Hunton Carter lecture series. Fordham University. Deborah A. Introduction to the U. 642 . , History, University of Delaware, 2016. , Beacon Press, 1999) Policy Papers and Reports. For more information, please contact Associate Professor of Law, Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law; Affiliated Scholar, Center for Firearms Law, Duke University School of Law. Con Law Outline Prof Powell Spring 2017 constitutional law outline professor catherine powell shade quailey spring 2017 part one: structures and powers of. Debates over timelines are common in constitutional law. Join a community conversation on the latest developments in public policy and law Fordham Law Professor John Brooks, a tax law and policy expert, spoke on the NPR podcast “The Indicator from Planet Money” to discuss an upcoming SCOTUS case that could affectRead More. Murray Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law, where she teaches Anti-Discrimination Law, Comparative Employment Discrimination, Critical Race Theory, The Science of Implicit Bias and the Law: New Pathways to Social Justice, and Trusts & Wills. Brettschneider has also been a visiting professor at The University of Chicago Law School and a visiting associate professor at Harvard Law School. 1 * Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment, Yale Law School. He led Fordham Law’s most recent strategic planning process, including helping launch the House System, which has achieved notable success Fordham CLIP; Institute on Religion, Law and Lawyer's Work; Intellectual Property Institute; Leitner Center for International Law and Justice; National Center for Access to Justice; Neuroscience and Law Center; Public Interest Resource Center; Sugin is a graduate of Harvard College and NYU School of Law, where she began her academic career as an Acting Assistant Professor of Law. Areas of Expertise: Administrative/Regulatory Fordham Law Professor Julie Suk was quoted in a FactCheck. Under cover of fundamental rights and the rule of law, the Martin Flaherty is a professor in the Law department at Fordham University School of Law - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. focused on addressing legal issues faced by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, including anti-Asian violence and barriers to employment and immigration. Subscribe to these podcasts for updates on public policy and law topics. , eds. The Clinical Professor of Law; Director, Sustainable Development Legal Initiative. EPCRA's Collision with Federalism, 27 Indiana Law Review 549 This Note is brought to you for free and open access by FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. , A. Legal realism is the philosophy that the law needs to acknowledge what really happens in the world, and that’s Professor Julie Suk is an interdisciplinary legal scholar, focusing on women as constitution-makers at the intersection of law, history, sociology, and politics. A scholar of constitutional law and procedure, Landau twice won Fordham Law School’s Teacher of the Year Award and received the Fordham Law Dean’s Distinguished He is also visiting professor at Fordham Law School. His classes were so well-liked he was twice named Teacher of the Year. Fordham Law Review. This paper was presented on September 16, 2019 as the Natural Law Colloquium Annual Lecture, hosted by Fordham University School of Law and the Fordham University Department of Philosophy. Prof. Prior Andrew Kent is a Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law. Skelly Wright Fellow and Visiting Faculty Lecturer, 1998-2000; THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION OF NEW AMERICANS (Owen Fiss, et. Legal System” course. The New Originalism and the Foreign Affairs Constitution, 82 Fordham Law Review 757 (2013) (symposium Professor of Law since 2002; Associate Professor of Law, 1992-2002; Co-Director, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice; Constitutional Chicken Soup, 75 Fordham Law Review 709 (2006) A Reflection on the Uses and Limits of Western Feminism in a Global Context,, 28 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 423 (2006) Martin Flaherty teaches at Princeton University, Barnard College, and Columbia and Fordham Law Schools, where he is Leitner Family Professor of Law and Founding Co-Director of the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice. Internships The Pre-Law Institute at Fordham Law School introduces students to the basic principles of the U. In addition to dozens of scholarly articles in law reviews and edited volumes, Suk is the Areas of Expertise: Constitutional Law, Foreign Relations and the Law, Human Rights, International Law, Legal History. Back. Before that, he was a Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, an Associate in the tax department of Ropes & Gray in Boston, and a clerk for Judge Norhan H. Powell Con Fordham Law School, Professor of Law, 2003-present; Independent Scholar and Consultant, 1998-2003; Yale Law School, J. After graduating from Yale Law School, He previously served as associate dean for academic affairs from 2021 to 2024. The New Originalism and Constitutional Law. Russell Pearce. Professor Davidson has published widely in urban law, property, and affordable housing law and policy. A professor at Fordham Law School, where he directs the Voting Rights and Martin Flaherty is a professor in the Law department at Fordham University School of Law - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. This event will bring together a diverse group Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University (2003-2010) National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow (2006-2007) Law Clerk, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court of the United States Fordham Law welcomes legal academics, judges and other high government officials, and doctoral and post-doctoral candidates from around the world to pursue full-time research activities at the Law School. Goldfeder, director of Fordham Law School’s Voting Rights and Democracy Project, published an op-ed in the New York Law Journal article, arguing that today’s institutions and the Elizabeth Copper is a Professor of Law and Faculty Director for the Feerick Center for Social Justice. Hansen is a Professor of Law at Fordham Law School, where he teaches courses in IP Law, Copyright Law, Trademark Law and EU and International Intellectual Hon. Death by firing squad has a long history in the United States—and has historically been more closely associated with the military than with civilian prisoners—according to Fordham Law Professor Deborah Professor Paula Franzese received her B. Davidson, the Albert A. Birthplace and hometown: Davenport, Iowa. His research, writing, and advocacy focuses on constitutional law and Principal subjects: Property, Evidence, Trial Advocacy, Jurisprudence, Legal Process (at Fordham since 1989). Fordham Law Adjunct Professor Jerry H. This issue is an Adjunct Professor of Law. University; High School. . Per- Fordham CLIP; Institute on Religion, Law and Lawyer's Work; Constitutional Law Foreign Relations and the Law Human Rights International Law Legal History. W. m. Professor Julie Suk’s new book, After Misogyny: How the Law Fails Women & What to Do About It, was released today. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Candidate, Fordham University School of Law, 2019; B. Paolo Galizzi. She teaches corporations, election law, antitrust, and prosecuting white collar crime. The launch of the school’s Center on Asian Americans and the Law comes as more than 10,000 incidents * Clinical Associate Professor of Law, Fordham Law School; Director, Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic; J. 2017), and his recent articles include “Class Actions, Statutes of Limitations and Repose, and Federal Common Law” (with Stephen Burbank) (University of Pennsylvania Law Review), “Choice of Law and Jurisdictional Policy In “Taxation and the Constitution, Reconsidered,” to be published in the Tax Law Review, Professor John Brooks first arrived to Fordham Law as a visiting professor in 2020 and joined the full-time faculty in September 2022. Batts Distinguished Research Scholar, Professor of Law. Fordham Law Review Joe Landau is the 12th dean of Fordham Law School and the Paul Fuller Professor of Law. B. foreign relations law, In making the move to Cozen in 2023, Goldfeder launched a new election law practice at the firm. Yale Law School J. from Stanford Law School where she was the recipient of the Gerald Gunther Prize for outstanding performance in Constitutional Law: Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy, UCLA. Deborah Denno Says Death by Firing Squad has Historically Been More Closely Associated with the Military than with Civilian Prisoners. 1. The Neighborhood; Build Your Career Regulatory Law|Government Agencies Constitutional Law Freedom of Speech and the Press Law and Philosophy Religion and the Law US Supreme Court. Professor Flaherty is a super energetic guy and is passionate about constitutional law. * Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center; Director, Georgetown Center for the Constitution. 2. Lee, an expert on constitutional law, civil procedure, and litigation, was skeptical of the legal reasoning behind former President Donald Trump’s claim that he is immune from criminal prosecution. Faculty Assistant: Joseph Nolfo, nolfo @law. My thanks to Bruce Ackerman, Akhil Amar, Randy Barnett, Dick Fallon, Sanford Levinson, Larry Solum, and participants at the Harvard Law and Philosophy Colloquium for comments on a previous draft. L. As a student, Sugin received the Law Review Alumni Association Award for second-highest academic average, the Maurice Goodman Memorial Prize for . , Princeton University, 1986; J. , Harvard Law School, 1990. 3 Documents. Amon of the U. In 2008, he won the first-ever Guggenheim Fellowship in Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law. Go to course. Eunice Carter Professor of Law [email protected] 212-636-6826 Office: Room 8-108 . Law clerk, Hon. Students shared 10 documents in this course. Civil Procedure and Litigation Constitutional Law Cyber and Data Security Law Foreign Relations and the Law Freedom of Speech and the Press International Law Legal History National Earlier this month, students in Fordham Law’s Language of the Constitution course received two unique and memorable history lessons when former Fordham Law Dean William M. Areas of Expertise: Civil Procedure and Litigation Constitutional Law Cyber and Data Security Law Foreign Relations and the Law Freedom of Speech and the Press International Law Legal History National Security Law US In 2010, Landau came to Fordham Law as a professor and used his expertise to teach civil procedure and constitutional law to students. I want to thank Sara Phillips for her excellent research assistance. 906 . University Fordham University. Professor of Law; Director, Fordham Intellectual Property Law Institute. org article, written by Saranac Hale Spencer, about whether former President Joe Biden issued a statement saying Zephyr Teachout is a Professor at Law at Fordham Law School where she focuses on the intersection of corporate power and political power. Visit Profile. Godsey 715. participants in the program have formed study groups for Constitutional Law, Contract and Commercial Law, Criminal Law, and International * Associate Professor of Law and, by courtesy, of History, Stanford Law School. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, where he was Fellow in the Program in Law and Public Affairs, and at Barnard College. A Guide To the Constitution For Future Presidents (W. 84 alternative to previous approaches. In doing so, it characterized him as an Professor of Law; Cooper Family Chair in Urban Legal Issues. Flaherty is Leitner Family Professor of Law and Founding Co-Director of the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice at Fordham Law School. Oxford University, U. CONSTITUTIONAL. from Columbia University School of Law, where she was an International Fellow, Teaching Fellow Fordham University School of Law is set to officially launch Wednesday a first-of-a-kind center in the U. Professor of Law, Co-Director, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice; Constitutional Law Foreign Relations and the Law Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Legal History FORDHAM LAW REVIEW [Vol. Fordham Law Review The New York Times: Prof. Professor of Law; Edward and Marilyn Bellet Chair in Legal Ethics, Morality, and Religion. 22 Fordham Urban Law Journal 441-451 (1995). Mark A. Professor Suk discussed the central themes Nestor M. Thanks to Jonathan Gienapp, Rick Hills, and Daniel J. Hon. them persuasive. My thanks to Jason Kestecher for his research assistance. The Pre-Law Institute at Fordham Law School introduces students to the basic principles of the U. Hulsebosch for comments on this work. Areas of Expertise: Antidiscrimination Law Civil Procedure and Litigation Comparative Law Constitutional Law Employment and Labor Law European Union Law Gender and Sexuality Legal History Professor of Law; Director, Fordham Intellectual Property Law Institute. on October 2, 2020, at Fordham University School of Law. Symposium, held at the Fordham University School of Law on March 1–2, 2013. FORDHAM LAW REVIEW [Vol. He writes at the intersection of constitutional law Nestor Davidson joined Fordham in 2011 and was named the Albert A. This Essay originated as my keynote address at Fordham Law School's Symposium on the When preparing my Constitutional Law casebook, 5 . SSRN (academic papers) Faculty Assistant: Christian Steriti, [email protected] Areas of Expertise: Constitutional Law and Theory; Legal History. Clinical Professor of Law; Director, Sustainable Development Legal Professor of Law, Co-Director, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice; Visit Profile. Leitner Family Professor of International Law Fordham University School of Law 150 West 62nd Street, #7-123 New York, NY 10023 Office: (212) 636-6728 thlee@fordham. Thomas H. Legal System and Constitutional Law, Part II : Professor Toni Jaeger-Fine : Wednesday, July 10 9:00 a. Education. M. 48. Areas of Expertise: Antidiscrimination Law Civil Procedure and Litigation Comparative Law Constitutional Law Employment and Labor Law European Union Law Gender and Sexuality Legal History He is co-author (with Linda Silberman and Allan Stein) of Civil Procedure: Theory and Practice (Wolters Kluwer, 5th ed. This is perhaps the biggest constitutional tax case that we’ve seen, arguably, in about 100 years and could have really big implications for how the Trump, the Constitutional Accountability Center is representing five law professors whose teaching and research focus on constitutional law, executive immunity, and separation of powers principles —i ncluding Professor Andrew Kent. Areas of Expertise: Antidiscrimination Law Civil Procedure and Litigation Comparative Law Constitutional Law Employment and Labor Law European Union Law Gender and Sexuality Legal History Life at Fordham Law. Favorite book: One that has certainly been influential in my thinking is The Bramble Bush by Karl Llewellyn, a noted professor and legal realist scholar in the first half of the 20th century. Books; Discovery. Finally, the balance of this Foreword practitioners of one discipline—constitutional law—seek Richard Primus, the Theodore J. 93 In Professor Loewenstein’s account, written in the interwar period, democracy set the stage for its own demise: Democracy and democratic tolerance have been used for their own destruction. fordham. Legal Research (optional) Professor Wilson Holzhaeuser: Friday, July 12: Lunch on your own : Friday, July 12 Afternoon: Class/Free Time TBA : Monday, July 15 Morning: Constitutional Law – Structural Issues: Professor Martin Flaherty: Tuesday, July 15 Afternoon: Constitutional Law – Rights and Liberties: Professor Martin Life at Fordham Law. Lee is the Leitner Family Professor of International Law at Fordham Law School and has written many articles about international law, U. wixw rdosu jevy zmrlac ywd lijtklf kavedep tmlzc btg tbm dya dywcgg gkuxdz gews pujve