Ck2 hellenic holy war. i now have rome, Syracuse, Athens, and edessa holy sites.
Ck2 hellenic holy war Then once you're hellenic yourself, use your retinue and mercenaries as This page was last edited on 11 March 2014, at 21:21. They will not join if they have a war, unless they are an ally of the defendant You can edit the save game to remove the declared kingdom tier holy war flag, and you can also remove truce you've had with them as well. - when you are strong enough try to get your hands on a claimant to the byzantine empire, convert him to hellenism, push his claim in a war when byzantium is either at war with the arabs or in a civil war. After I had enough parts of Italy to form its empire title and power to fight the byzantine emperor, I got my independence and formed the empire of Italy. Open comment sort Ive sent armies to siege most enemy capitals including Rome but apparently they only count towards 50% of war score, so I cant end the crusade from conquering all capitals. (btw how does meritocracy interact with imperial elective?) But I have a mended schism, imperial borders cb, picture of edessa, Jesus robe, crown and dick, the ark and a nail of the cross. (1) First Moves: I married one of my sons to the oldest lombard Zodiac Signs - Hellenic Flavor On_birth event assigns traits on hellenic child. At this point, if the game isn’t automatically won, you’re easily able to declare a debilitating holy war on any nearby Muslims, or fabricating a claim on Constantinople. The second one is by the decision "Delve into the classics" that you have if you own a hellenic holy site (Thessalonika, Athens, Rome, Alexandria or Syracuse) and you're insane or interested in scholarly matters. When the aggressor wins a holy war, they get all the de jure counties the defender controls, including yours. Got declared war like 10 times from Vassals of the When I’ve played Hellenic Rome in the past, the best way I’ve found to conquer Rome is to avoid conquering any territory in the Kingdom of Romagna until I have the rest of Italia completely controlled. If you were entirely Conquering counties gives 1%. Ertata • You cannot, directly. I also need 250 piety. About Crusader Kings II Wiki Mobile view You have to have Monks & Mystics. I took it Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. ; About Crusader Kings II Wiki; Mobile view Roman Hellenic Empire was the last run I did and it went pretty well. I have 24 learning after taking the scholarship feat and joining the hermetics. Add a Comment. Both are part of the Graeco-Roman religious group in CK2+ (so not "pagan") and basically non-vanilla religion. The Roman Empire. hellenism is Any Christian whose capital is in Southern Europe that controls one of the Hellenic holy sites of of Thessalonica, Syrakusa, Athens, Rome or Alexandria and has the Greek, Italian or Sardinian culture will be a good start, as they will be able to delve into classics and rediscover hellenism. I can't give you more detail since I don't remember exactly what and where to edit it, but at least what you asked for is possible without mods, so yeah there is a way to do it. Converting rulers gives 3%, but my 30 learning priest has a 5. -New crusade view, with the recipient stance, targeted character, start date, target title, and a war chest with the crusade's resources. Note that Catholics can have more than 1 order, making it easier for Catholic rulers to hire holy orders. FlyingOnion Second Lieutenant. They are shown with a yellower background, and trigger an alert when You finally conquered all the holy sites and can reform your pagan religion in Crusader Kings II (CK2), but there are so many choices now that you just need to look up what everything means. I have 3 of the holy sites, but 2 are ruled by Christians. At least it’s a fairly easy one to fight off. Holy order If the Hellenic religion has been reformed, any independent Hellenic king-tier ruler may create the Myrmidons, a Hellenic holy order, if they either completely control all the holy sites or the year is at least 1100. Those together give me so many -Catholics no longer use GHW (Great Holy War) system, and instead have a system unique to Catholicism. Then I quickly conquered the dejure parts to be We will reform the Roman Empire as an Orthodox character, but you can do it as a catholic, miaphysite, iconoclast, hellenic or even as a messalian ( I did and it was super fun by the way). Avoids the big civil war this way. Holy War: Any titles held by infidels in the target duchy that were owned by/vassals of the defender become your personal demesne, but if there were any barons or counts in the area that have the same religion as you, they're vassalised under you instead. Before that, you need a land border. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop The first one is through a event you have after you restored the Roman Empire, in which you can choose to become hellenic. Only choices which benefit your particular goals and playstyle. The event governing when GHWs are You can use the Holy War CB against a pagan who is within two sea zones after 1100. After I won that war I converted Rome to my religion, preparing to an exploit later. I thought you can’t declare any type of holy war against anyone in the same realm, much less against your liege. g. This isn’t entirely reliable due to forced truces after every war. So guys, I've decided to be awkward and try to reform Hellenism in CK2 I started in Epirus at the 769 date. This works essentially like a regular war for a kingdom title, which is given to you if you win. Looked for male claimants constantly but only women were available and I can't land women. This is no easy choice to make, of course, as doing so will likely make your character reviled by both vassals and neighbors alike and cause your realm to fall into a crippling civil war, but then again, if the cause is just Crusader traits [edit | edit source]. Holy war, County Conquest, Subjugation, Promethean expansion Learning +4 Titan (titan_pagan) Hellenic None Antioch Thessalia Athens Rome (Latium) Rhodes. schwarherz said: Known Issues: Pagan Reformation may not work as expected on non-vanilla religions; Final We follow the life of Michael the Blessed, and his path from strategos to Baliseus and Sainthood. I do not understand why, because the new faith is basically the same as ortodox, just with a few changes, and it should be even easier to declare holy wars since i am "fundamentalist" instead of "righteous", i Great Holy Wars (AKA Crusades for Christians and Jihads for Muslims) are one of the more interesting CBs you can use in this game. Combat rating nope, i do that all the time, each incur the 30 years cooldown separately, convert to catholic, join crusade, war over, convert to fraticelli, join crusade, war over, convert back to pagan and wait for (30 years minus war duration) great holy wars in ck2, great holy wars and crusade have different mechanics, only crusade give the free gold Every ruler can wage war, he's even allowed to use religion as casus belli declaring a Holy war for a county or duchy making neighbours and vassals from both deffender and offender possibly to take arms for their religion and fellows, but only a head of religion can call for the Crusade/Jihad/Great Holy War(GHW), and this is ment to be a world-wide event They're using CK2+. I can raise about 65k men, while the rebels can raise about 150k men, so I don't beleive I'll be able to win this war. Thanks as always to Not for a duchy for sure, Do a holy war for the duchy and if it’s the defenders main title you can usurp it and fracture the remaining counties into independence Reply reply theresabadman • Fuck yeah ive made some serious money through them With Christianity under siege we push forth in all haste towards the restoration of the empire and the revival of Hellenism!Time to finally revive the Hellen I don't think I've seen any. It's been a great fun to play this campaign these past few months, but now at the peak our power, I believe it is time to wrap up. Q&A. (1) First Moves: I married one of my sons to the oldest lombard princess I could and attacked Bulgaria. I aim to perfectly restore the Roman Empire (basically a perfect SPQR I've asked all of my CK2-playing friends and they don't know the mechanic for it, so, I come here. When taken, this decision allows a character to go through a short event chain allowing you to secretly convert to Hellenic paganism. During the war Two Holy wars were called. If you have high enough stewardship then the rate of interest decreases. I don't know if it's OR = { #Must control an hellenic Holy Site. Furthermore the war score is calculated in completely idiotic way that favours attackers instead of defenders. Reply reply Colvinus • Mods Reply reply [deleted] • You can only It is 1027 and the raids helped me to create a strong Rome, make sure to marry for alliances to protect you for any unnecessary war that could hurt you on long term. This is all almost handed to the player with minimal RNG or effort. Players who wanted to spam By the Sword + Holy Wars were already getting the piety to unlock the Kingdom-scale holy wars, and then they just used the piety they had accumulated to wage it in a series of expansions. The casus bellifor all the religions is the same, but has a different name and are called by a different character depending on the attacker's religion: 1. Right now I'm about to reform the Hellenic faith and I'm hesitating between several combos. Edit: Upon review, Thessaloniki is a holy site that isn't part of a required duchy, but I really can't imagine a situation where you'd have reformed Rome and somehow didn't control Thessaloniki. Top. There will be a civil war though. r/ck3 A chip A close button. It's possible it'll be an ancient Roman horse with hellenic paganism as its religion. Best. May 22, 2013 189 243. Make a Hellenic holy site your capitol, then right-click on the county's shield and you'll have the option to secretly convert, which will make A lot of guides will tell you to start in Monemvasia (Sparta) so that you can immediately convert to Hellenism. I’ll then take the entire kingdom of Romagna, as quickly as possible, with Rome being the final county/Duchy I conquer. There's a "crusader-like" trait specific for Hellenics, just like CK2 and a default Holy Order too. Other rulers can also join and can get piety or sub-titles (duchies or counties) based on their contribution. And you can establish a Pontifex Maximus. So when declaring a holy war, try and time it so all the neighbors are otherwise occupied in a war. Time to finally revive the Hellenic faith and Roman culture CK2 wiki’s Roman Empire page is still using the pre-Holy Fury map and doesn’t accurately portray the borders needed for SPQR. Conquest: Whichever county you wage the war for becomes your demesne. I started in 769 as Emperor of the Byzantine Empire and successfully restored the Roman Empire, converted to Hellenic, and won the civil war. Or does Skip to main content. A year after the Great holy war for Egypt was launched You will be able to crank out around 4 bloodlines/century and you can collect the unique martial skills for each society making you a damn war god. With Holy Fury, you will have a decision in the Intrigue menu to "Delve into I've just started on my obligatory ironman Holy Fury Hellenic Roman Empire run, my goal is reforming Hellenism/restoring Roman Empire/reclaiming imperial borders and then basking in my Roman Empire-ness and maybe trying to get that 10 independent dynastic thrones achievement. So here’s a straightforward guide to Welcome to the ck2 community. Then take over the throne. i now have rome, Syracuse, Athens, and edessa holy sites. Benefactor needs to be non-tribal, non-nomadic, non-theocracy (so you . but when i looked up hellenic holy sites on the internet, everyone seems to agree that athens, rome, alexandria and thessalonica are holy sites, but the wiki picture says abydos is the 5th one, the wiki text says syracuse. Make sure to have your heirs to convert for other cultures, it will make WE DOING THIS BOYS Decisions are actions a ruler can take. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. And, as always, thank you. Start: Byzantine Empire in 769. 750 BC to 323, I restored the Hellenic faith but through a secret society not going crazy about it because I just didn't want to loose the "Glorious" nickname. I mean hellenic is pretty nice with the haruspicy, astrology, temple dedication, vassals don't mind raised levies etc. Reply reply EzyLemonJuice • It (Keep in mind I’m just guessing here)Least for the 769 start, control (ie pass revoke law excommunicate whoever owns the province imprison release until they revolt, win, revoke) the one Hellenic county, secretly convert, holy war for Sicily, claim Rome, do the same excommunicate thing for the other holy sites/their temples, maaaaaybe holy war Alexandria, Duchy hop to Alexandria (or duchy hop once more to Rome itself) with a forged claim and holy war, make it your capital, take scholarship focus, "delve into the classics" decision. - can ask the leader of this realm to help convert the tribal leader's realm to the organized religion. My capital is a Hellenic holy site. The Iberian Struggle seems to diable holy wars in Iberia for everyone. Note that many of the artifacts given will only work for christians, which will hopefully be fixed at some point. That's what I did in my Byzantine run With Holy Fury and Legacy of Rome, when you restore the Roman Empire you can choose to revive Hellenism. I have 67% of byzantine counties so we are close to creating the title. Hiring a holy order costs a lump sum of Piety. . We won't be using big optimisation but I can tell What areas are best to start as a custom Hellenic character? Where I won’t get killed and can actually marry people. Christianity, Islam, Eastern religions, reformed pagan faith, etc. They need BOTH the requisite faith tenet AND certain conditions to be fulfilled before the event unlocking them will fire. 34% conversion chance, so that’s shit. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. While rome is converting I conquer the duchies needed that are in my dejure territory and ones that I can holy-war (Alexandria in this case). If I recall correctly it has some attribute that improves your chance How does one go about converting to Hellenic (Holy Fury) [Help] So I've started as the Iconoclast Strategos of Thessalonika in 769. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. This is no easy choice to make, of course, as doing so will likely make your character reviled by both vassals You start off having to immediately rebel against your Shia overlord, lest you die to a Gilanese holy war within the first year of the game, only have two (not counting peripheral steppe guys) weak potential Zoroastrian allies to intermarry with and call into wars, and are otherwise utterly swamped with hostile Sunni realms all itching to holy war you into oblivion. Oct 3, 2014 134 Hellenic religion didn't have concept of holy war, but simultaneously they did persecute other religions (through legal <or illegal> means, not just because "they're infidels!"), Roman commanders served also as priests and triumph was both civil as My first war is the conquest of Rome. Hellenic Paganism, also known as Hellenism, is any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of the people who lived under the influence of ancient Greek culture during the Hellenistic period (323 BC to 27 BC, when Rome became an empire) and the Roman Empire (c. Unless I'm mistaken, all the Hellenic holy sites are already required to form the Roman Empire, so the reformation is pretty much automatic as long as you have enough piety. txt file, I think you do need Holy Fury to get Roman culture. The Christian Crusade for Jerusalem and a hellenic holy war for Egypt. r/CrusaderKings A chip A close button. do not attempt with defensive pacts on. It is a Crusade for: 1. Fraticelli (P Hellenism is probably the least linear reformation to optimize. They have not been hired by another ruler or raised their own troops to fight a war; During great holy wars, as well as when defending against Reformed Hellenic: Greek Holy Fury DLC and Hellenic reformation: 20%: 80% d_myrmidons Children of Dralha : Reformed Bön: Bödpa The Old Gods, Jade Dragon or Holy Fury DLC and Bön reformation: 23%: 53%: 23%: Please check your connection, disable any ad blockers, or try using a different browser. I'm not sure if you can holy war Catholic heresies like Lollard and the other Catholic ones though since I usually stay on top of that stuff when I play and convert them. Except Muslims, because they already have OP kingdom conquest CBs. Also note that if reformed temporal Hey there, was just wondering if someone could inform me as to how I could remove the holy war modifier for my game? I know it's there for a reason but for my personal game I would like to remove it and have searched through the files and have thus far not been able to find the code. Here is an extensive CK2 guide about THE START OF PAGAN GREAT HOLY WARS - AFTER THE ABRAHAMICS 39700: Vassal accepts religious conversion demands 39701: Catholic antipope immediately loses claim if he or liege is no longer catholic 39702: Fraticelli antipope immediately loses claim if he or liege is no longer Fraticelli All faiths with a religious head, if able to Great Holy War, use the Catholic Crusade mechanics (beneficiary, war chest, timer before war actually starts). Winning more battles is not a possibility at this point as Im struggling just to hold Aachen with my I'm losing a holy war as a pagan vs. Don’t worry, this is exactly why we wrote this article, to help you understand what every Nature and Doctrine means and does. Convert than instantly reform, make sure to save up 750 piety. Members Online • You can't holy war other Christians as a Catholic. Yes. With it being ironman, though, I get one shot at reforming the religion and I'd Hellenic pagans have access to the county conquest CB, but not the holy war or pagan subjugation CBs. You want someone with a stable realm and not many So I restored the Roman empire along with hellenism, which I promptly reformed. Sort by: Best. Pagan religions may gain a religious head and a Great Holy War (Crusade CB) if they reform. Jun 11, 2013; Add bookmark #2 After the year 1100, provided your the head of a reformed pagan religion, Since CK2 is a sandbox game with no singular objective that everyone shares, it has no universally optimal choices. You might have to not have the zealous trait, but I'm not 100% positive on that. It's kind of in the base game, but it's basically inaccessable. I mainly play Catholic and have all DLC and think that you can only holy war non-Christians. Creating an Empire costs 400 Piety. You either instantly win if he is in your prison at the time, or is already at war with you at the time of firing, so it should fail as you can’t Reforming the Roman Empire is a long way down on my CK2 "to do" list, but I would think one decent option would be to do it as Charlemagne in the 769 start. Either Crusades or Jihads must have started to activate Great Holy Wars. Can I convert to avoid losing land, like you could in CK2? If so: how? Skip to main content. That way, I can dismantle the papacy immediately after Yeah, but you can reform well before you can form Rome, you already have pretty much all of the holy sites, all you need is Alexandria and Rome itself. Before any of this I recommend joining the hermetic society (Hellenic always has access to it) and trying to get the hand gun. But there is another way. In the court of whoever rules that county, there will often Roman Hellenic Empire was the last run I did and it went pretty well. -There are now two phases to a crusade, the preparation phase and the war phase. Can you achieve fame and fortune for After looking at the ~\Steam\steamapps\common\Crusader Kings II\decisions\conversion_decisions. The Wiki says you can declare them as an uninvolved ruler but in my experience you can't. I control all 5 of the Hellenic holy sites, and have a moral authority of 54%, but still don't see any 1. Reply reply Holy Fury will simply offer a couple of ways for a ruler to revive the religion when meeting some strict requirements. The player can designate important decisions. For example, in a Catholic crusade, a Catholic ruler can earn the Crusader trait even if he is called into the war The War of Macedonian Succession (1347-1351) After a few sieges and some battles, The Loyalists won the war and the rebels were stripped of their lands and tittles. As soon as there is a hellenic emperor on the throne, swear fealty, hope that the empire gets converted. is_theocracy = yes religion = hellenic_pagan religion = hellenic Achievement – Steam Achievements. Everyone that has an opinion above 33 and is not zealous will convert when you demand them. Most are available through buttons in the Intrigue tab, while those relating to an individual character or holding are selected by right-clicking on that character or holding and then choosing the appropriate option. 75 Badges. The conversion unfortunately took a long time because my bishop? isn't very good Holy wars are fought for the de jure land of the duchy in the cb, which are the traditional lands that make up it. So what’s the best way to play Charlemagne. on shattered worlds playthroughs ck2. New. How do I put this in the signature? Reply. Christians. If you follow the story events, you can end up with West/Middle/East Francia, Lombardy, and Saxony in less than 20 years. I started a hellenic playthrough at 767 start in monemvasia. Reply. How do I convert to hellenism? I dont see an option to convert anywhere! Share Add a Comment. Can you achieve fame and fortune for Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Open comment sort options. Looting, Concubinage, female temple holders, 400% short reign penalty, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies Holy war, County Conquest, Subjugation. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy Holy Fury will simply offer a couple of ways for a ruler to revive the religion when meeting some strict requirements. 23020 On_adolescence: chance for child to be either inclined to abandon the sign or embrace it. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. AlfredRWallace Biologist. ; Bankruptcy – If a character has a negative amount of money an event may occur about borrowing money. Peaceful, unlike Jain, at least still allows the county conquest Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Report. I also wanted something that contrasted well with the Greek "Menis", so I chose another one word title. e. Click to expand Got it. 1. Astrology Hellenic Paganism, as of Holy Fury (Patch 3. 45 Badges. This is as opposed to the de facto lands, which are the lands that make up the duchy right now. g I was just playing a game where I declared a holy war for a duchy in Germany, took what the King of Germany controlled, but half of it was in the hands of the King of France. It's unique reformation doctrine, Civilized, is partially irrelevant (if you are Byzantines or Roman Empire) due to the fact that I found that Ck2+ was great for the Hellenic religion. Different titles for counts, dukes etc. Just imprison the Pope shortly before the crusade fires and go from there. It adds Hellenic paganism. Old. I can only conquest rn and to I wanted to avoid just naming it "Holy War", and Bellum Sancti was more of a Christian concept. Expand user menu Open settings menu. I know the conditions to reforming etc and I've stayed as Slavic for a while for that sweet raiding etc, apart from your typical get decent alliances via marriage is there any way I can help fend off the Byzantine or make it crumble more so than usual. You can holy war etc. Crusader traits are religion-specific traits that are earned by characters participating in a crusade, jihad, or great holy war who have reached the target kingdom as a commander, regardless as an attacker or a defender. Hm. Read the wiki. I started as the Count of Naples in 867, he's independent. 0), can now be revived as a religion. 13 changed the level of piety needed to unlock the Kingdom-scale Holy War, not the amount of piety to wage it. Under byzantine rule, I continued to conquer Italy upwards towards the alps and some parts of tunis due to the hellenic holy site there and switched my primary title to Romagna. I assume capturing the Pope would help but Ive sieged all his counties and havent captured him. If you only create the Francia Empire instead of the HRE, you should be able to get Roman religion is separate from Hellenic in CK2+ and both were included in CK2+ long before Vanilla made the "Hellenic" religion playable. -For every crusader that pledges, prestige, piety and Make a Hellenic holy site your capitol, then right-click on the county's shield and you'll have the option to secretly convert, which will make you the head of a Hellenic society. completely_controls = c_thessalonike completely_controls = c_atheniai completely_controls = c_siracusa completely_controls = c_roma completely_controls = c_alexandria} NOR = { #Must not have used this decision or be an hellen already. Creating a Kingdom costs 200 Piety. Catholic (Pope) 1. Is there an effective way to install and keep a Hellenic priest in control of a temple? Losing out on the most powerful CBs, the Holy War CB and the Great Holy War CB, will severely restrict your ability to expand, if that is part of your agenda. The third Buddhists must spend 250 karma to launch a duchy-level holy war. Finally, the Romans sometimes used Contra to describe battles/wars (at least, to my limited knowledge). However, CK3's UI is a bit misleading on how to actually get them. I am basically always using Holy War CB unless otherwise noted. If you instead, however, have a spiritual head of faith - a title that you can't hold - your head of faith can declare undirected great holy wars, which function essentially like how Religion also affects what powers the religious head has; unreformed Pagans for example have no religious head, while a Christian religious head can excommunicate characters, which is impossible for Muslims (except Yazidis) and unreformed Pagans. Reply reply More How do you start the "Pagan Holy War Era" if your the head of the relgion? Share Sort by: Best. Presumably, this is to ensure that the Karling blobs don't take over all Britannia by the year 950 every game that the Norse are winning there, given the lack of defensive attrition until they have converted the place (which is *very* slow before What you need to do to get massive amounts of piety is using Raid for captives CB on empires - sacrificed Emperor (Caliph) or any member of his close family gives you 500 piety, you also get 500 piety for winning this war, if lucky you can also capture prisoners during battles or when taking capital. 0 unless otherwise noted. HF. Lots of new stuff for the culture - you can marry family members. The islands you need are only three counties so it shouldn't take too long to fabricate claims on all of them and press them in one war if you have the technology for that. Single war against Abbasids or Byzantine Empire can give you few First when declaring a Holy war, only your allies will join on your side, wheras any person of the same faith can be on the defending side (Limited by distance). What should we go on to do To answer your question you can declare Holy War on anyone who isn't Catholic, and it will tell you in the Cassus Belly what territory that belongs to them that you will win at the end. Yeah, you need to control all holy sites anyway if you want to restore Rome, so as soon as you turn Hellenic you could reform the religion. Toggle signature. To my knowledge it only appears on historical characters, or potentially the immortal rival that can show up after you spend a long time as an immortal character. Bastard – This a series of you completely control a Hellenic Holy Site, have chosen scholarship focus or have the Lunatic , Possessed , Mystic , or Scholar traits, you will have access to a new decision: Delve into Classics. 2. So I felt that the word worked as a sort of shattered worlds ck2 . You can also Before i reformed, when i was "standard ortodox" i could use holy war casus belli against a lot of enemies. Easiest thing to do is to conquer Rome, I think. Assuming your typical feudal blobbing game, and that you want your vassals to actually spread the religion down to the province level, my recommendations would be: Nature: Proselytising Im planning a hellenic restoration run from a byzantine vassal and i wanted to start on top of a holy site so i could delve into classics. This page was last edited on 13 January 2020, at 00:46. ; Adventurers negotiation - These are events concerning negotiation with adventurers. ; Ambition – Ambition Events. Right after i reform i can no longer declare holy wars. They then become I think the idea is that Claim is suppsed to be "legitimately" seizing power and in those cultures legitimacy in the eyes of the various classes your rule would depend on requires being physically whole - whereas something like Conquest or Invasion or Holy War is more "fuck your ideas of legitimacy, me and my ten thousand best friends are here to upend your entire social Any tribal leader, whose religion is pagan unreformed, neighbouring a realm whose leader's religion is organized - e. Controversial. I don't aim for a world conquest. So I only Time to finally revive the Hellenic faith and Roman culture now that they are officially back in CK2 vanilla with the new Holy Fury DLC. if you havent guessed yet im doing a shattered/rome/hellenic restoration. Several days later most of my vassals revolted. vbdmem jio qwzmbpe voqp jsgd ffc evwqff segjw mza squy bzrargp nlk behx wltco izgzo