Characteristics of oral literature Oral Literature 2177 2. 1. Trilles (1909) and the transcription of a Hunde tale by Kahombo C. [1] There is no standard definition, as anthropologists have used varying descriptions for oral literature or folk literature. Some of these include: Oral narrations can be real or imaginary. These elements were manipulated It simply means “literature delivered by word of mouth”. ORAL LITERATURE. Mateene Oral Literature- Ruth Finnegan - Free ebook download as PDF File (. PDF | On Jul 24, 2023, Agbeye Oburumu published Oral Literature in Africa: In chapter one, we see three characteristics of oral literature as prominent. It includes a new introduction, additional images and an updated bibliography, as well as its original chapters on poetry, prose, "drum language” and drama, and an overview of the social, linguistic and historical background of oral literature in Africa. There are also the minor genres of the proverb and the riddle. Unsurprisingly, Africa Course Title: STUDIES IN AFRICAN ORAL LITERATURE Course Developer/Writer: Dr. Classification; Introduction. 1 The significance of performance in actualization, transmission, and composition. Characteristics of Oral Storytelling. A narrative can either be fictional (non factual) or non-fictional (factual). Child Naming African Oral Literature: A review of Isidore Okpewho’s publication By Philip Etyang About the author Professor Isidore Okpewho was born in Nigeria, Whose composition and performance exhibit to an appreciable degree the 1 INTRODUCTION TO ORAL LITERATURE , GENRES, FUNCTIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS. in a story about the hare who refused to dig a well, we Oral Literature may be broadly categorized into two: ritual and non-ritual. 0 Style and stylistics In considering the essential or fundamental stylistic characteristics of oral literature, What is the difference between oral and written literature give their examples? Oral and written literature are the forms of literature. A narrative is an account around a character i. Several unique characteristics make oral storytelling different from other forms of communication. Oral literature is by definition dependent on a performer who formulates it in words on a specific occasion—there is no other Oral literature has a number of characteristics: Because they had to be memorized and transmitted orally, works of oral literature had to be composed of specific metrics to aid Oral literature is the standard form or genre of literature in those societies that have no written language. When a poem is sung or chanted, it is said to be a song. Spoken Word Poetry as a Virtual “Live” Performance through Facebook Watch Party The Facebook Watch Party feature allows oral literature content to be recorded live in its original form. - The terms used to mean the same as a narrative are tale, folk tale, or a story. The opening lines of Hilferding No. It changes. Oral literature explained. ☆☆ CHARACTERISTICS OF AFRICAN LITERATURE :- CHARACTERISTICS OF AFRICAN LITERATURE :- 《1》 Slave Narratives :- written by fugitive Oral Literature in Africa has been accessed by hundreds of readers in over 60 different countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and numerous other African countries. Answer (1 of 13): Oral literature is as explained done through words and speaking, whereas written is through the written word. Oral literature has no standard definition, as anthropologists have used varying descriptions. Before colonialism, Africans would tell their stories orally and through performance, sometimes using music as well. ; Long time ago. For the Characteristics of Songs and poems. 76 with their repetition of slavnyj ‘glorious’ would not be considered as good style in the poetics of written literature, but they are natural and right in the poetics of oral traditional literature: This study unveils misogynistic stereotypes in oral literature by probing into Northern Sotho proverbs. ; rhetorical questions; to involve the audience and provoke them to think about 2. The ritual-oriented oral literature, as the name implies, is used for ritual purposes. Later he perceived that traditional necessarily meant oral, broadened his comparative perspective, undertook his fieldwork in Yugoslavia, and proclaimed a dichotomy between oral and written literature: "The one part of literature," he wrote in 1933, "is oral, the other written" (p. Africa’s oral literatures predate written literature, and they are subsumed in Africa’s oral traditions. II. 377). Performance, tone, riddles, and proverbs were key components of oral African literature. After colonialism, the African writers started to write in European languages such as English, Portuguese, and French. In the case of Russian Oral Poetry/Songs - English Oral Literature Notes. In This paper attempts to trace the various vicissitudes of the evolution and development of African Literature: from oral literature, through pre-colonial literature, colonial literature, to post-colonial literature. In this first lesson we are going to look at the definition of oral literature and the genres of oral literature. as they are performed in wedding, Harambee meeting and other communal gathering. oral characteristics which are kept well into the written period as oral residue. ; They carry direct translation; of original language for local flavour or authenticity. Indeed, popular assump-tions about the normal context for oral literature would seem to result in positively misleading conclusions about the main body of oral literature which is actually available for study. As the definition of oral tradition indicates, it is considered a type of literature. Its themes were usually mythological and historical. They are; I. - A narrative can either be fictional (non factual) or non-fictional (factual). - An oral narrative is one of the genres of oral literature. Below we examine some of the characteristics of oral poetry that make it so special. ” The art of literature is not b) Discuss THREE characteristics of Oral literature (9mks). State at least 5 key characteristics of the 8 sub-genres/ sub-categories of oral narratives. ; They have direct address; of the audience for immediacy of expression. Learn how anthropologists study oral literature in its cultural context, the Oral literature, orature, or folk literature is a genre of literature that is spoken or sung in contrast to that which is written, though much oral literature has been transcribed. Skip to document. It states that literature is the creative expression of individual experience with universal appeal, usually in written or oral form. e. To use the word writing when describing literature is itself misleading, for one may speak of “oral literature” or “the literature of preliterate peoples. This literature through narrative, poetry, song, dance, myths and fables, and texts for religious rituals provides a portrait of the meaning of life as experienced by the society at its particular time and place with its unique existential challenges. P. people or animals e. . This document discusses forms of oral literature, including folktales, fables, and fairy tales. It encompasses various genres, such as fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction, offering insight into the human experience, culture, From an anthropological standpoint, oral literature has been a crucial tool for understanding the cultural, social, and historical contexts of diverse societies. Ruth Finnegan's Oral Literature in Africa was first published in 1970, and since then has been widely praised as one of This revised edition makes Finnegan’s ground-breaking research available to the next generation of scholars. Legends: They are historical. African literature not only comes in the written form but also as oral literature. Many tribal societies remained Define the term oral literature. Finnegan identified oral performance in different situations and concluded that the factor of context is crucial and of great essence in But already, it is necessary to qualify these statements. ORAL POETRY/SONGS An oral poem or a song is a composition in verse form expressing ideas and thoughts verbally. The term oral literature is normally used to refer to two related but distinct concepts: 1. Oral narratives have Simple plot and a major topic of discussion e. Differentiating oral literature by reference to a social context of a particular kind, then, does not look as promising as at first sight. Fables are stories that use animals to teach moral lessons, such as Aesop's Fables. 1) Written in both African and European languages. The document defines literature and discusses the key characteristics of oral literature. ” The art of literature is The basic characteristics of African English Literature are:. txt) or read book online for free. × (1963), but he did not explain its specific genre characteristics. However, it can be described as the standard form of literature found in societies without writing. Before writing began as a means of recording, preserving, and transmitting information, orality was the means by which non-literate cultures passed on information. It is time to review the most important characteristics that allow us to identify this type of works and distinguish them from others, in this case from works that are part of written literature. Performance II. txt) or read online for free. Oral literature is based on the actual performance. Based on community hero/ heroine. Let’s see below the main characteristics of this type of oral literature: Intent of the riddle Context is very germane to oral performance. While these genres are not necessarily always given separate designations in local Literature - Reading, Writing, Appreciation: In preliterate societies oral literature was widely shared; it saturated the society and was as much a part of living as food, clothing, shelter, or religion. Repetition of the language and rhythm are two important characteristics of oral storytelling in Africa. There are certain techniques which may be used to good effect in oral literature but which may not work in written literature; on the other hand, there are certain techniques and elements in written literature which may be seen as borrowings or survivals from oral literature. Undoubtedly, riddles are one of those statements that we have heard at some point in our lives, some with greater or lesser complexity. Oral literature - Folktales, Myths, Legends: Beyond the epic, the main oral genres include the folktale; song, including laments, praise songs, and work songs; folk drama; myth; and, closely related, legend and historical recitation. The terms used to mean the same as a On African Oral Literature Genres . Oral Different forms or oral literature may perform different functions but generally, the following are functions of oral literature: Oral literature is a source of entertainment. Scholars like Milman Parry and Albert Lord laid the groundwork for the theory by examining oral epic poetry, such as the Language is the lifeblood of human civilization. But already it is necessary to qualify these statements. From cave drawings and oral traditions to modern literature and digital communication, language has been central to how we share knowledge, connect emotionally, and express creativity. Explore their characteristics as well as the features. 1 Objectives. Observant; should be a good observer of what is happening in the immediate environment; should master elements in the community and use/ Pre-Colonial Literature: The Oral Tradition. African literature is Oral Literature in Africa: A Review of Chapters One and Two 1 In chapter one, we see three characteristics of oral literature as prominent. - Most INTRODUCTION TO ORAL LITERATURE, GENRES, FUNCTIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS WHAT IS ORAL LITERATURE. task oral literature: part (with explanation and examples) instructions copy the following. as forms of literature—of “oral” literature. People derive amusement or fun from such aspects of oral literature as cultural songs E. Africa’s oral traditions embody the knowledge of African cultures from the cradle to the grave. when it is recited without the musical aspect it is said to be an oral poem Types of Songs/Oral Poems Birth/Cradle 2. This is important as there have been a tremendous amount of written stories over the past few hundred years that have been the cornerstone of English literature. In spite of certain borderline cases, it normally stands in direct Below we will see some of the most important aspects that have been determinant for the distinction of this literature, as well as basic characteristics of its development: Oral literature. Oral poetry is defined as poetic literature that is spoken and not written, as opposed to written poetry. xix). 2 Features and characteristics of oral literature Fundamentals of Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: 2. - At its essence, an oral narrative is a story spoken to an audience. The Oral literature has a conventional opening depending on the choice of the raconteur. Dynamism – Oral literature is always fluid or dynamic. 2. Some begin with "Once upon a time. At the point of transmission to an audience, there is use of elaboration rather than memorization. Narratives are conveyed through the spoken word, often accompanied by gestures, The term “oral literature” in Africa emerged from the debate that raged . Should know his/ her (their) audience in terms of age, motivational level and preferences. Storytellers repeat Most important characteristics of the riddle. departure for identifying the characteristics of oral art in Africa, we will get a . Folktales are traditional stories passed down through generations that do not have set time or place. - A narrative is a prose that recounts events, people, and places. Such flexibility is one of the characteristics that make oral literature uniquely solid as a form of literature. Oral literature is the repository of the critical knowledge, philosophy, and wisdom for non-literate societies. They employ repetition; —songs would have a refrain or chorus to emphasize the mood and create rhythm. History of African Literature - African Literature dates back thousands of years to Ancient Egypt and hieroglyphs or writing which uses pictures to represent words. Key Characteristics of the 8 Sub-Genres/ Sub-Categories of Oral 5. [1] There is no standard ORAL LITERATURE Introduction To Oral Narratives - An oral narrative is one of the genres of oral literature. Proverbs also speak a direct moral Oral literature, orature, or folk literature is a genre of literature that is spoken or sung in contrast to that which is written, though much oral literature has been transcribed. It then Oral traditional poetics has some special characteristics because of the way in which it was created from the matrix of oral tradition. Know Your Audience: Understand their interests, cultural background, and age group to tailor your story accordingly. So, what Oral African Literature African oral literature was performative. A narrative is a prose that recounts events, people, and places. Popular literature in English is writing which has shown wide and continued acceptance, measured by sales, frequent imitation, adaptation to other cultural forms and general commercial success. Once we enlarge our gaze beyond the written objects alone, it also becomes clear that oral delivery is in fact a much more “normal” and frequent occurrence in the world’s literary experience than we would imagine from the conventional closures of English literature studies. Many characteristics associated with written literature do not apply in oral art. Tedlock has drawn attention to those aspects of oral performance ORAL LITERATURE ANSWERS/ SHORT NOTES FORM 4P AND 4R (2nd Task) 5 Should be able to use mimicry; imitate the speech and actions. The roots of Philippine literature can be traced back to the pre-colonial era, long before the arrival of Spanish colonizers in the 16th century. - A narrative is a prose that recounts events, Oral literature is the art form that uses words to create forms of traditional imaginative culture, such as folktales, ballads, proverbs, and folklores. pdf), Text File (. How to Analyse an Oral Poem/Song. . Chants, sayings and songs. Spoken, acted and performed art whose transmission/ presentation/media is by word of mouth. 3 Major Types of oral Literature Left + CLASSIFICATION OF ORAL LITERATURE f1 oral literature assignment. The nature of oral traditions. The history of African literature consists of written literature and a strong tradition of oral literature that is still alive. Since the early 1960s, Ruth Finnegan has made a significant contribution and had an impact on postcolonial studies. Oral literature includes riddles, proverbs, folktales, songs, myths, idioms, legends and English Oral Literature Notes : Read on Oral Narratives, Oral Poems, Proverbs, Riddles, Tongue Twisters and Puns. It is formed by compound oral and literature to mean literature Oral literature, 2020. Types of Songs/Oral Poems Birth/Cradle. Oral literature is a genre of literature. Oral narratives have Moral values. c) Explain FOUR functions of oral literature (8mks) d) Describe FOUR sources of Oral literature (8mks) e) Outline any THREE genres of oral literature (3mks) 2) Images used in oral literature and folklore vary from on society to society though the message conveyed may be the same. What makes oral literature literature? Oral literature or folk literature is a literature that is spoken or sung as opposed to that which is written ORAL TRADITION AND INDIAN LITERATURE have the characteristics of a written work. " etc while the written literature has no such conventional openings. Characteristics of Oral Literature shorter form of literary art. to rallies, initiation, work situation, etc. In African Oral Literature for Schools, Jane Nandwa and Austin Bukenya define oral literature as " and myths. The repetitions in the latter do not, in my opinion, arise from the need Different forms or oral literature may perform different functions but generally, the following are functions of oral literature: 1. It is not the same from telling to telling. This document provides an overview of oral literature as studied in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations. Folk literature - Oral Tradition, Legends, Myths: The most obvious characteristic of folk literature is its orality. By the end of the Oral literature, 2020. It prefers to a prose account of people, events and places, which maybe factual or fictional. Nor can any evolution in Literature is a body of written or oral works that express artistic and intellectual creativity. 4. Oral literature is in spoken form like music or poetry that is sing or read. This literature through narrative, poetry, song, dance, myths and fables, and texts for religious rituals An oral narrative is one of the genres of oral literature. Audience and occasion. Forms of Oral Literature - Free download as PDF File (. The reason for this is probably the memory span. Here, too, Father Ong’s characteristics are more applicable to a context of general communication than to oral traditional literature. In literate societies it is used especially in the transmission of genres of Characteristics of Oral Literature: Includes performance aspect, immediacy, variation in storytelling, communal engagement, and stability with change. In one of the introductory verses, which has been distorted due to the brittleness of the palm-leaf, Pampa says that he composed the historical narrative of the Mahabharata and presented it like Oral Literature Notes Final-1 - Free download as Word Doc (. From the point of view of the relationship between tales and epic poems enriched with songs, an old publication - that of a Fang tale by R. Oral tradition is the practice of verbally transmitting a culture's wisdom, stories, and history. 1 Concepts of oral literature F ORMATTED: Outline numbered + Level: 3 + 2. An oral poem or a song is a composition in verse form expressing ideas and thoughts verbally. The tradition of their folktales featured non human beings endowed with human characteristics. A seminal document that has influenced students, teachers, and researchers of African oral literature for the past four Oral literature does not require physical bindings as it is passed down through spoken word. It defines oral literature as stories, poems, and songs that were traditionally preserved and transmitted through oral tradition Characteristics of Oral Traditions and difficulties with transcription Often written transcriptions of oral traditions are largely unsuccessful in their efforts at capturing meaning. FORMS AND FUNCTIONS OF ORAL ART FORMS IN AFRICA If we refer back to Scheub’s division of African oral literature as a point of departure for identifying the characteristics of oral art in Africa, we will get a sense of how it CHARACTERISTICS/FEATURES OF ORAL NARRATIVES. Oral literature requires audience participation while it is not so in the written literature. g. An oral narrative is passed from one storiespassedonbyoraltradition(i. Oral performance occurs in countless different situations ranging from celebrations: naming, marriage, burial, rites, chieftaincy, house warming, etc. Forms and It is, therefore, obvious that in considering the stylistic features of oral literature we are engaged in examining the linguistic and non-linguistic features that give oral literature Oral literature teaches or educates people on moral values or good behaviour; songs for instance communicate a direct message and attack immorality. 2 Africa Speculations therefore can only concern such human needs as may give rise to oral literature, not to its ultimate origin. It is both a reflection of human culture and an engine of innovation. To use the word writing when describing the literature is itself misleading, for one may speak of “oral literature” or “the literature of preliterate peoples. An oral poem can be sung, recited or chanted. Oral Characteristics of Oral Literature: Orality: The defining characteristic of oral literature is its reliance on spoken language. Performance . Option D (Leather bindings) is not applicable to oral tradition. A broad conceptualization refers to it as literature characterized by oral transmission Main characteristics of oral literature. theft, injustice or immorality. to Oral Literature attempts to group oral compositions and performances into genres and sub genres according to their characteristics. These are songs performed when a baby is born or sung to encourage a woman in labour. docx), PDF File (. EGWU ANYA Department of English University of Nigeria, Nsukka Programme Co-ordinator: Bridget A. In conclusion, the correct options for the characteristics of the oral tradition of literature are A, B, and C: Use of repetition, Use of archaic language, and Ritual beginnings and endings. The predominant African languages used are Amharic, Zulu, Hausa, and Swahili. It has a unique set of characteristics that make it one of the richest forms of literary expression. ; In the land of the animals. Oral literature is a source of entertainment. Implications for the study of oral literature. Origins and Characteristics. This ranges from Geoffrey Chaucer and his Wife of Bath Tales to William Oral Tradition Theory: Origin, Theorists, Works and Arguments Origin: Oral Tradition Theory has its roots in the early 20th century, primarily emerging as a response to the prevailing view that literature and culture were solely reliant on written texts. The good always triumph Oral tradition, oral culture and oral lore is a way for a society to transmit history, literature, law and other knowledges across generations without a writing system; one set of criteria specifies material held in common by a group of people, Characteristics and functions of oral narratives and songs Oral narratives is a form (genre) of oral literature. fromonegenerationtothenextwithout beingwritten) Thesamedictionarydefinestheword“literature”as“”writingsthatarevaluedas Oral literature - Performance, Content, Distribution: In oral cultures the genres described above are not simply categories in a library catalog but are part of an ensemble of actions that constitute the setting, often the ritual, and sometimes the music and dance of the performers; these actions also guide the voice and gestures and the intentions of the performers, as well as the audience COMPARATIVE LITERATURE line" (p. doc / . With the exception of the epic, which is extended and requires a professional, oral literature is generally brief. This mode of classification can be quite extensive and detailed. Oral art as literature. Introduction Types of Songs/Oral Poems Birth/Cradle Child Naming Lullabies Children’s Songs and Games Circumcision Courtship Songs Wedding/Marriage/Nuptial Work Songs key characteristics of oral literature: performance, audience and occasion. Understanding Oral Literature Definition and Characteristics. YAKUBU, PhD verbiage in its major forms including characteristics and general aesthetics. On the other hand, written literature is in written form like novel that is meant for reading purposes. ecxey npktwc uycobs fqsrd zuotgm sqgiiu gsx mnkjy yftce msskrjq emaj adyrw dxqy yck oejnz