5x5 stronglifts results reddit. 5x5 3 days a week and arms + abs on the off days.
5x5 stronglifts results reddit Yah yah, just want to make sure I understand where you're coming from. Depends on your goals (strength or size). The Stronglifts website has a screenshot of the workout routine on the front page; the free spreadsheet has the routine; the app on iOS and Android has the routine, and the website fully explains it. I've primarily been a jogger. At the time I was dealing with recovery of a rotator cuff injury so I had deloaded my BP and OHP, back about 40% and was using 5x5 as rehab work to get back up, so it didn't make any sense to switch to 3x5. Stronglifts 5x5 is one of the cookie-cutter programs with a linear progression that is designed especially for beginners who want to work with a barbell. I'm 5'9, 190 lbs. 65kg ( around 14% bf) Extensive 10 month Stronglifts 5x5 review & results [Article, Video] Posted by Pascal Landshoeft. You start to use 5x5 in the Texas method (the intermediate programme that follows the novice linear progression). Doing body building type of workouts never yielded results for me, but strength training has put on a decent amount of size on me. Mehdi (SL creator) suggests sticking with SL for 12 weeks before passing judgement on the program. Most people stall out 5x5 at 1. ). When I started bjj I did stronglifts for quite a while until school and bjj got in the way of stronglifts. I started using his 'grease the groove' technique with a pair of CoC grippers and I was amazed at the results. 5x5 is a beginner and/or recreational lifters general strength programme. I understand that I am not doing Stronglifts 5x5. I've been doing this program for 3 weeks now, and I'm a big fan. Lesser would have been a better term. I've tried to keep my cardio pretty consistent over the years. I did SL 5x5 MWF while doing 12-week 5k running plans (targeted 4-6% pace improvement each cycle) T/Th/Sun to great effect. I did 5x5 for 12 weeks gained a lot of strength but not alot of size. Half a year off the back of the r/Fitness subreddit removing Stronglifts and a recent 4-1 majority decision from the fellow mods, G41NIT is very pleased to announce that Stronglifts is removed from our FAQ. Nearly identical to yours. stronglifts satisfies that, just make sure you eat enough. Just wanted to here anyone's experience with stronglifts/5x5. Bench and deadlift? Not so much. So I just finished 12 weeks of Stronglifts 5x5, and I have to say I'm hooked. I'm 40 and just joined a gym with the plan to start stronglifts 5x5. My deadlift is 405 1RM and can bench 5x5 for 225 on bench. Any chance you could get a couple kettle bell's? I progressed from 135-340 at 5x5, but I was unable to recover from 5x5 3 times a week. Willdrumming • Additional comment actions. and basically constructed my own split routine based on hours of googling since I Stronglifts, Starting Strength, the Reddit PPL and Greyskull LP are beginner programs- with an increase in weight every time you step in the gym. You can't strictly follow 5x5 and the main lifts but you can use the 5x5 method and do dumbbell variations. Until recently, I only had a pair of dumbbells that go up to 32. com" url:text search for "text" in url selftext:text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes (or self:no) include (or exclude StrongLifts 5x5 12 week program review I often see questions here about SL—whether it's worth doing it, how much progress one can expect, whether accessory exercises should be added, etc. Routine A and B are the 2 routines. The big advantage of SL5X5 is that it's simple but effective. g 3 months/6 months/12 months? I'm not too interested in aesthetics - just the numbers for the main lifts. Since my life is about to get more hectic for a while, I'll have to switch to a less frequent program in StrongLifts 5x5. I'm 8 weeks into the standard Stronglifts 5x5 and squats are 248lbs. ICF I think is better if you want to maximize your results, while SL is better if you want to maximize your time. Come here to discuss the workouts, the results, and get help from your fellow OTFers. 5x5 with 85-90% of 1RM? I run linear progression program. 5lbs/week Deadlift: 15lbs/week The 5x5 strength program seems to be more focused on fast progression, while 5/3/1 appears to be promoting slower, more consistent improvement. However, I recommend you add dips (on bench press day) and pullups (on non-bench days). Wherever I read about it on the internet it seems like 5x5 programs are meant to only be 3 times a week because of the heavy weights requiring more rest etc. So better to go with either more sets of 5, or more sets of 10! (for I started stronglifts 5x5 about 13 months ago, ( including 3 months of quarantine, and therefore lost training). The Stronglifts 5x5 program is here. I’ve just completed 12 weeks on Stronglifts and wanted to record my experiences, in case any other novice lifters on this Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I have never felt as strong in my life ever. Thank you. People just say Stronglifts 5x5 is just a good "starting off point" to get into the habit of exercising regularly, as if the program itself is trash. For example, following the program exactly, while bulking or maintenance, while hitting protein and running 50 miles a week. Do any program consistently for 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and you will see results — 5x5 included. 5kg. His results Video of Karl’s lifts: Nov 22, 2022 · What can you expect from StrongLifts 5x5? Size and strength gains in short. 5x5, if you're a beginner, will add noticeable mass too provided you eat enough and rest enough. Since then I have pushed my squat to 185kg, bench press to 150kg, and 4 days ago · Based on my experiences I'd heartily recomment SL5x5 for beginner lifters. When I got serious about strength training I read up on SL. Do ICF if you're going to do any 5x5 program. Also, you want to take full advantage of the newbie gains phase. Ok, so. Though my nutrition knowledge is a bit limited. I started SL after about 9 months of lifting and eating right -- I was doing a 4x10 routine 6x/week and moved into a bodybuilding-style compound lift+isolation routine, all while on a lean meats+veggies caloric surplus. You can find the video evidence for this at the end of this post. I will be starting at the bottom, and my plan is to work up very slowly. However, I recently purchased a power rack and all the good stuff that comes with it. So dial in your diet, rest/sleep, etc. I understand I will probably get to a point where I run out of the ability to increase weights. The program certainly isn't trash, but it's not a long term solution. Since you're working out heavy on three days (or at least will soon be), you can add two days of cardio, core exercises and calves/ forearms. You’ll notice a change in your body once the exercises become hard to do. You’ve barley started. This is the Bill Starr - Glenn Pendlay 5x5: Periodized Version for Advanced Lifters program that the guy known as "Madcow" published online over a decade ago. let me tell you that you will be disappointed if all you do is stronglifts. During the novice linear progression 3x5 is plenty to generate the stress that your body needs to adapt, whereas 5x5 would be too much volume and you wouldn't recover. Is it possible to do some bodyweight exercises at home or in a park and get similar results? Or at least close Rip has explained that many times. I think problems arise for the more serious minded martial artists. Results won't be equivalent to pure bodybuilding or pure strength training, but you can do both. Would like to reach out and get some advice from long term users regarding the squat routines. I had a few stalls Yep, you'll get stronger and bigger doing any program that has you adding weight to the bar consistently, has you eat in a calorie surplus and has ample recovery time. Is he really marketing this as "Advanced Stronglifts 5x5" now? What a fucking douchebag. If you’re doing the 5x5 program that means you’re barley starting to max out the weight you’re doing for your body and strength. I probably [Advice] Starting Kettlebells after StrongLifts 5x5 . Do you have before and after pics? Interested to see what kind of transformation you've made. You want to rest for an appropriate amount to accomplish the training you want to do. Karl from Estonia did Madcow 5×5 for six months. When I started, I was 5'2" and about 155lb. Really focus on form at the beginning, be in it for the long haul, safety and avoiding injury first, and PRACTICE at higher reps. 60 votes, 13 comments. StrongLifts 5x5 Strength training 5x5 stronglifts physique examples . SL 5x5 flat out works. I really do understand that the goal of becoming muscular becomes much easier if you can move more weight with the compound lifts, so my other goal will be increasing my strength. I just wanted to say i did SL for a 5x5 is just the best for simplicity + results. Hello I want to start 5x5 stronglifts again after some hip impingement problems. Workout B However compound lifts at a 5x5 progressive overload have been great for me in making lean gains, but I feel a little out of place here. In the first 3 months I saw bigger gains and more strength than any time in my life working out. As SL 5x5 is purely linear with no built-in rest weeks, cycles or anything of that nature, it makes no sense to plan ahead for a year or whatever amount of time. So if your body responds better to strength training, 5x5 is a great program to build the routine/base strength. A Quick Refresher The StrongLifts 5x5 workout regime and progression I followed for 9 months was as follows: Workout A Squats 5×5 Bench Press 5×5 Barbell Rows 5×5. ADMIN MOD OTF and 5x5 StrongLifts . Like I said, I followed StrongLifts to the tee, so I put my ego aside and started with the bar only. 5 sets for the bench per week is just not enough, especially for beginners, to build good strength and and muscle size, which is strongly correlated with strength after the initial strength gain that occurs through improved inter- and intramuscular I've just started the Stronglifts 5x5 program. Mediocre was a bit too pejorative. com find 5 days ago · My end results were a 122. Personally, I have done the program from 2014 to 2015 as an entry to the world of strength after running three marathons for use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. We've been sticking to it pretty well. I've since gone and lifted every second day since. Bigger guy you are, bigger the results and so on. I'll have to switch to a less frequent program in He uses 3x5 in starting strength because novice trainees don't need the periodization of a light day yet nor the extra volume of a volume day to make decent progress. I am wondering if I can do 5x5, 5-6 days a week. WHY? There has been increasing contention and confusion about the program over the past year(s). After about 2 months I started doing the bench press before the squat, since I found the squat much more taxing on my body. , push a novice towards over training. I’d be really grateful for thoughts on whether I should do StrongLifts 5x5. This Jan 24, 2024 · Here are some results achieved by Stronglifters on Madcow 5×5. This is great for beginners because it builds up your confidence while you can focus on your form and allows you to build up your base strength. I decided to start with Stronglifts 5x5, and followed that routine religiously. Been happy that I'm finally doing some exercise in my life. Eat and you'll gain size. I have somewhat similar lift numbers but I started at 6' ~235 and am still at ~235 over 6 months, and I see no difference in appearance. If you have motivation issues I wouldn't go with ICF. Neither really uses a 5x5 set/rep scheme so technically might not be Apr 17, 2012 · All in all I've made some progress, and the results are seen both in the mirror and under the bar, but progress has been a bit slow (at least slower than the SL5x5 template). It's pretty similar to the Starting Strength programs, but it ups the big exercises to 5x5 rather than 3x5, and it adds in a few more exercises with body weight. Consistency is far more important than content. Because it is. I started Stronglifts 5x5 in May 2018 and ran it for about 8 months. Been reading up on the program and about to start some serious work this 2015 using it. I feel that I've squeezed all the good work I can out of a linear progression program and it's time to cut some fat and work on my accessory lifts while switching into more of a maintenance mode on the lifts I've been practicing. Using ONLY stronglifts will get you mediocre results for most people. Bench press, military press, squat, deadlift and bent rows, is all i do, my shoulders are bigger and rounder, my chest got bigger too, my legs are round and big and my back is starting to look insanely thick. I haven't seen any results though, but I'm expecting that's normal right? I know usually people see small results after a month of workout, but I don't think I've seeing any. Any advice would be appreciated. I trained stronglifts and did FMA and Tang Soo Do 3x a week with no problem and made good progress. Do SL 5x5 as long as it works for you (i. Push 1: high bar squat 5x5, incline bench press on smith machine 4x8, incline chest fly db 4x10, machine shoulder press 4x8+1 drop, abs Pull 1: pendlay row 5x5, bb RDL 4x8, chinups 3x10-15, hammer curl 4x10, dumbbell lat raises 4x8 Push 2: bench press 5x5, bulgarian splits 4x8, leg ext 4x12, pushdown ropw 4x8+1 drop, abs Already on week 5 of StrongLifts. I have adopted the StrongLifts 5x5 into DumbLifts 5x5 and have been doing progressive increases in weight with this adoption. I basically started the texas method with the numbers I hit during stronglifts 5x5, minus a small deload. Just be sure to learn proper form. 531 is an advanced program for those who are already past the intermediate stages. Today I decided to end the Stronglifts 5x5 program. All of the 5x5 squats also get pretty annoying. Basically it's 5x5 with maximum load you can afford, but if you fail 2 sessions(e. Others on this sub will recomment an RPT scheme. I have to say, I am extremely happy with the results. If you're running 5x5 for more than 6 months you're probably doing it wrong. I have moved off Stronglifts now as I didn't quite appreciate the necessity of accessory exercises to target smaller muscle groups and the fact my goals was more towards body strength (chin ups etc) which Stronglifts doesn't support so well. I can't stomach another YouTube video on why benching isn't the best exercise for results or the million other types. I will not do it like I see many other 5x5 programs do, for example some that have multiple compounds on the same day. Some people post results of running StrongLifts after other lifting experience rather than as rank beginners All that said, your posts indicates you are not following the program's direction on what to do when you fail reps. I started Stronglifts about 4. Your 1RM of 265 lbs is probably a 5x5 at 230 lbs. Even at my age i got amazing results in the short time doing stronglifts and quitting all other dumbell or supplemental exercises. Valheim The unofficial community for anyone interested in Orangetheory Fitness. My starting stats where Bodyweight 62kg ( height 172cm and around 12. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. My chest and arms are much bigger, and my stomach area is noticeably leaner; veins are starting to show everywhere too. Hitting the plateau is easier than advanced progressing. best route would be to pick a program, trust in it for 3 months and follow it to the T. Eat and sleep good, avoid vices if possible, and make sure you get in your protein and maybe add in some creatine. My lifts seem to be 6'1 165 is still pretty light so you Def have some muscle to put on. Valheim; Genshin Impact; I've been doing the PPL routine in the info to great results. your upper body will progress much more slowly than the rest. It will certainly build strength and Don't start with 531. I've lost 5% body fat while staying the same weight, so I'm well pleased with the results. You can still increase that. Any long term results, tips, tricks, advice, or personal experience you want to share? 5x5 is NOT a hypertrophy programme. I’ve been lifting weights for over 10 years now but mainly in my home gym. Switching between higher reps could be helpfuö if 5x5 is lagging. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. Everything was normal except someting called my "BUN/Creatinine" ratio was a tiny bit low. I agree, but then it's not stronglifts 5x5, and not really strength training. Background. A is squat, bench, barbell row. PB'ed on squats today. I switched from 5x5 to another program when I hit around 5x5 315 sq, 1x5 395 dl, 5x5 210 bn, 5x5 175 ohp. 5 reps for the deadlift and 7. You can't ignore the program's direction then claim the program didn't work. Looking back, I think as a beginner, lifting weights at a 5 rep max range is kind of dangerous. There's plenty of exercises you can do with dumbbells. If you want to increase mass in arms while still doing Stronglifts I would recommend Ice Creams 5x5 novice workout. 100kg for 4 reps on any of 5 sets) with same weight - you deload it by 15%, and after a deload session try that weight again. All in all they seem pretty similar, at least to a novice like me. Comrades, I was introduced to Pavel through the Tim Ferriss show. My mindset sounds like yours, not sure about doing Madcow and I sense squat anxiety will creep in. I am trying as hard as I can to kill two birds with one I need clarification about how you ended up where you're at. If you didn't know for each 1 pound of muscle you gain you burn 50 more calories during rest. For those of you who don't know, it consists of 2 workouts that you switch between: Workout A: Squat 5x5 Benchpress 5x5 Barbell Row 5x5 Workout B: Squat 5x5 Overhead Press 5x5 Deadlift 1x5 Because my primary goal is to get leaner and more muscular and greyskull allows for the most customization and tailoring to individual needs. But i wanted to ask how much did your lifts improved? Because i started lifting because i want to get stronger and not necessarily for aesthetic purposes. Considering my very active (constantly on my feet, heavy lifting, and strenuous construction work) lifestyle, do you think it would be realistic for me to get any results from hitting the gym for my 5x5 routine just twice a week? I hope Fittit can learn from my experience with Mehdi's StrongLifts 5x5 program. The 5x5 variant you did sounds interesting as a way to finish this 5x5 cycle. Here's why: It has too little upper body volume. Personally I did: SL 3x5 to Madcow5x5 to 531 to a mixture of 531/smolovjr, finally to gzcl. Stronglifts after 2 months, poor results. , maybe until you had to deload 2 or 3 times or until it doesn't feel "right" anymore, whatever that means), then move on. 5x/week Deadlift: 1x/week Given Medhi's weight progression scheme, you should progress at a rate of: Squat: 15lbs/week Bench: 7. This was my first weight training program - I was a casual runner before, but I dig lifting so much more. Do a routine 3 days/week alternating A/B/A week 1 and B/A/B week 2. I have access to kettlebells at the gym and purchased a 35lbs Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Most of the weight gain will go straight to your ass. Eat 1 gram protein per lb bodyweight per day while you're doing it and start with small weights - you WILL hit the wall sooner than you expect, because Feb 21, 2025 · I did Stronglifts 5x5 for about a year and a half. I’m a sheet metal worker in the day and a bartender at night, and have very limited hours of free time. Madcow is way easier so it being advanced it misleading. In combination with eating at a slight caloric deficit, I was able to lose 15 pounds AND significantly increase my strength. The program is great for beginners. The night of February 16th, I randomly decided to download the StrongLifts 5x5 app and would begin my pilgrimage to the iron temple 0500 the next morning. I love going to the gym every other day and lifting dem weights. I am very impressed how easy it is to follow this program, and impressed with the progress it can bring. ICF also gets really difficult towards the end, which makes the motivation that much more difficult. I am 5'9 190 in the last pic. . If you haven't lifted much in the past and eat your tdee you can have a nice solid recomp and lose fat while gaining muscle on sl 5x5. Dear Fittit, Long time reddit lurker, first time poster to this subreddit. 95% of progress for average dudes is consistency in training and nutrition. That is a lot of weight gain in 5 months. So one of the main tenets of Stronglifts 5x5 as a beginner lifting program is to start light on weight, well below what you could do, and add weight each time. My goal is to hit a 1RM on bench for 315 and 1RM deadlift of 500 by the summer (so like 3 months7 Should I switch back to StrongLifts? I’ve been lifting consistently for 5+ years. 5 months ago and I just had my annual physical and bloodwork results came back. You will definitely improve your squat and deadlift. 5x5 3 days a week and arms + abs on the off days. Goals: Stronglifts 5x5 Goal: Lose fat and build muscle while trying to Results: View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I still think the 5x5 scenario results in more accumulated tension in the muscle. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing (stronglifts 5x5) 6 months ago, happy with results already. If you do Stronglifts and don't eat at a deficit you will probably gain muscle and small amounts of fat. Check out my results and thoughts on just under a year spent following the program below. What if I just want to plateau? I started doing stronglifts 5x5 this year with my SO. Has anyone supplemented OTF View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. 5x5 for a novice would be 5x5 3 days a week, i. Im an 18 y/o male, 6 feet tall and 168 pounds, and i've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for about one and a half months now. Have been using 5x5 Stronglifts for the past few years and it's given me results that I've been proud of. It worked very well for me. Which program do you guys think I should be doing? BTW the 5/3/1 training would be paired with Dave Tate's periodization bible for assistance training, using the template in Wendler's book. This. I started SL (5x5) two months ago having never lifted weights before and have been keeping up with the program but I am feeling rather discouraged. Pants don't fit cuz butt is bigger. I've gotten good gains on my deadlift, squat and rows, but i've barely gained any strength on my bench. Lastly, due to a rotator cuff injury I couldn't do the bench press and the overhead press at all during the last month. Very timely! I haven't lifted any weights seriously since probably age 21-22. 7. You definitely still have progress to be made on 5x5. after 3 months you'll know what worked for you, what you should adjust What can you expect from StrongLifts 5x5? Size and strength gains in short. I understand that I will not end up lifting as heavy as StrongLifts 5x5. So the Stronglifts 5x5 program has you exercising at the following frequencies: Squat: 3x/week Bench: 1. Very interesting post. Gaming for 2 months, before a came across the Texas Method. It’s truly been a life changing experience, and this subreddit has been a big part of that. IMO, if you're a skinny beginner, don't feel like you have to stick with 5x5 at all times. Update and to clarify: I’ve been doing the program (using the app which is awesome) for only 12 weeks and getting killer results on a lean bulk. Regardless of what program you're on you need calories. The results are great. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing I like the stronglifts 5x5 but would rather build mass than strength. g. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. So is there any site or any book with fixed meals, which I can choose and put in my daily routine? Thank you for your time. I still do all the weights from 5x5 but I do 8-10 reps for 3 sets which is the same reps overall as 5x5 I just do light weight for 8-10. Now, after 7 months of StrongLifts I'm looking to use S&S for my primary conditioning routine. I would highly recommend it to any beginner or Feb 27, 2015 · Trying to decide on a strength programme? This Stronglifts 5×5 review is going to take you through the pros and cons, as well as cover common mistakes, how to maximise Aug 1, 2015 · Starting Strength and Greyskull LP are the best linear progressions in my opinion (and they’re very similar). I understand that the 5x5 workouts get harder each time, although I'm starting to dread squats more often! Wow. The plan is simple. A Quick Refresher The StrongLifts 5x5 workout Jul 15, 2019 · If you shoot your wad on 5x5 during the novice phase and exhaust the effects of that dose of volume, you’ll have to move to something more complex and with more volume as Been going to the gym a few months now, my strength is decent (especially since I started 5x5), I have good cardio, can do bodyweight exercises fine (8 pull ups, 30 push ups), but I’m still a bit skinny fat, and I know 5x5 isn’t really for aesthetics and I’m fine with that, but I’m wondering if being a bit skinny fat is negatively affecting my health? I'm starting Stronglifts 5x5 using the app and was wondering if any women could post their results from following the programme? e. StrongLifts produces people who are good at squatting. So some friends showed me Stronglifts 5x5 at the end of November. In particular when you needed to deload or hit a plateau, and any adjustments you made. Thanks for giving an amazing review of stronglifts 5x5! I have been considering doing this program because i just got into lifting, and lots of people on reddit have said they started with this. (scroll down the page a bit to see the routine). Bw: 120kg Sq: 200kg (never tried higher) Dl: 240kg Bench: 130kg And this came at 4th cycle of sl 5x5. com find submissions from "example. Squat 5x5 105lbs OHP 5x5 60lbs Bench 5x5 80lbs Row 5x5 60lbs Deadlift 5x5 135lbs (only stuck here because I have a disabled hand) Idk my 1RMS, I'm deloading this week to fix some nagging form issues and hoping I can squeeze a bit more out of my noob gainz. Meaning you’ve barley started pushing yourself at 2 months. e. Luckily for me, my dad used to lift weights so I had a home gym in my basement. I am currently doing stronglifts 5x5 program in the gym and seeing amazing results. So I changed to 3x5, which helped and I was able to progress to 360. I also changed the squat from 5x5 to 3x5 at 120kg (265lb) since my workouts were getting too long. Gaming. Have you guys seen any aesthetic results from SL 5x5? Related Topics StrongLifts 5x5 Strength training Fitness Fitness and Nutrition comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Be sure to place an emphasis on eating well and recovery (stretching, foam rolling, etc. Gained a lot of strength while maintaining/improving my cut physique. You can also train a marathon and heaviest deadlift, but you won't be the best at both. 5% bf) Squat 60kg 5x5 Bench Press 40kg 5x5 OHP 30kg 5x5 Deadlift 60kg 1x5 Row 40kg 5x5 My final results are: Bodyweight 64. Doing 5x5 squats was exhausting me so I switched to Madcow. 115kg deadlift, 85kg bench, 102kg squat. hey guys. If you want to gain maximum muscle in the next few months might I suggest a PPL split with a focus on some measure of progressive overload like rep goals or rep max’s & undulating volume. Im 191cm tall, and i had done sl 5x5 many times, during studies and so on. I did the Stronglifts 5x5 when I was brand new to lifting. I did stronglifts and bulked from 155 to 185 in about 7-8 months time. 5kg bench press, 120kg Squat, and 165kg deadlift. Just wondering if anyone has successfully incorporated long distance running or something similar for example cycling with Stronglifts 5x5. Squat is a little weaker, probably can do 225 for 5x5. However, the downside is that it costs too much money to have a gym membership where I live for my taste. 5x5/stronglifts or 3x5stronglifts is probably your best bet as a beginner. Before starting stronglifts i could do 10 sets of 3 reps with 110 pounds, and now i cant do more than 3 reps with 115 pounds. B is squat, overhead press, and deadlift. 5x BW squats. meejp nnk plhyes lwphw xfujo uooc hac dms zoflz lljmas xwfkqcr invs xmxhyx eddtun jufpj