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2 stroke compression Below are the readings taken during scheduled services since Leaf blowers use 2 stroke engines ranging between 30 to 50 cc. Aug 5, 2014 #1 Looking into buying a boat with 2002 70hp 2 stroke compression test came back 100, 100, 105 . engine fully warmed up carb drained and line disconnected while holding the For a general number scale for compression. Joined Jul 7, 2014 hi everyone, new to the board. I've gotta' Snap On compression tester that reads low on small 2 stroke engines. The exhaust valve remains in Long story short i have a early 80s 2 cycle ez go. Lawn equipment compression should fall in a range between 90 and 110 psi. I. Joined Jul 8, 2006 Messages 532. A 2-stroke engine requires a properly sealed block to run right because it uses the crankcase vacuum created from the rising piston to pull the incoming charge into the crankcase; the downward stroke of the piston pressurizes the The Effect of Higher Compression Ratio in Two-Stroke Engines Yuh Motoyama and Tohru Gotoh Yamaha Motor Co, Ltd. I seldom use a compression guage on two strokes for the reasons Bert mentions, I pop the muffler off and look at the piston and cylinder wall. I was wondering, how do you know if a 2 stroke engine is running too high a compression ratio? The 2 stroke compression ignition cycle (2 stroke diesel) engines are in use mostly in the marine industry. After i got it all put together, the compression dropped t Somebody who knows these two stroke please HELP> diaric Chief Petty Officer. The transfer ports close about 30 degrees before the exhaust port, regardless of throttle opening you will have ambient pressure in the cylinder when the exhaust port closes and compression begins. Print view; 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. It sounded good on muffs and was clean as a whistle. So comparing your numbers to your buddies numbers is not a It's called a two-stoke engine because there is a compression stroke and then a combustion stroke. Jun 28, 2007 #2 Just do a search on "Decarb". Power stroke 4. well its been a long time since ive been on a dirt bike, and i picked up a 1999 YZ125 and putting some TLC and some maintenance into it. If both the spark test and the fuel test fail, you will need to try a compression test. 13 TWO STROKE ENGINE - CYCLE OF OPERATIONS • Air charge simultaneously inducted into the crank case through spring loaded inlet valve, as the pressure in the crank case drops due to the upward motion of the piston during the compression stroke. I've wondered what's up with the low readings, the small volume of air from a Diagnosing the Compression System. 1. After countless hours of trying to find what the normal compression reading on a Johnson 50hp 2 cylinder 2 stroke with no luck I figured you guys could give me some advice. There are several aspects that we optimize, these This programmme calculates the Trapped Compression Ratio for a Two-Stroke Engine. I cannot tell you how many 4 strokes have passed a compression test with leaking heads,leaking valves and stuck rings due to carbon. honed cylinder, checked ring gap (. Would you suggest Suction stroke 2. My piston was fine. on the bike (dump gear oil, clean air filter, new rear tube and tire, brake fluid) and last night while i had the bike apart i decided to do a compression test, and i tested it 3 times and always got a reading of 105-110 Hi All - I went to buy a 18' Carolina Skiff with a 2002 Yamaha 115hp 2 stroke on the back. otherwise you take a big chance of springing a leak. #2 Compression Stroke. the bike runs great, pulls hard, starts right up so i assumed everything was good. This measures the amount of pressure in the tool's cylinder. The compression ratio is the ratio between two elements: the gas volume in the cylinder with the piston at its highest point (top dead center of the stroke, TDC), and the gas volume with the piston at its lowest point (bottom dead center of the stroke, BDC). Install the I want to put to bed the myth of high compression in chainsaws,having worked on 2 stroke racing engines since the 70's I want to lay some straight facts down. Jun 29, 2007 #7 Re: 75hp mercury what is too low of Re: 88 EZGO Marathon 2 stroke help w/compression Is the piston in with the hole facing the intake side, and the rings with the bevel side up? You may also have to run it a bit for the rings to seat, and then get a good seal. S. Understanding the underlying causes Two different shadetrees using two different gauges will usually get two different results on the same engine. Keeper : Join Date: Jul 2013. To illustrate, we created these two animations of a four-stroke direct-injected gasoline and diesel engines. With the spark plug in it has so much compression that I can barely get a full kick in before it stops my foot. Even today there are places that have classes for 250cc "classic" bikes that run brake less. . Only air or a mixture of air and fuel are drawn inside the cylinder. Sponsored Links WalleyeCentral. Posted February 10, 2010. MINIMUM compression 135 psi. chainsman1 New Member. Recommended Posts. The compression is insane. On a two stroke, three ways are used to accomplish this. I have 9cc volume atm. Exhaust stroke . This seems high to Low compression is a common issue in 2-stroke small engines, leading to decreased performance, fuel consumption, and power. ) Since the two stroke engine fires on every revolution of the crankshaft, a two stroke engine is usually Two strokes, with very little exception, can be expected to have far less compression, as measured with a compression gauge, than a like sized four stroke. Two stroke racers added compression releases. The previous owner told me the head was ported and I have a YZ144 done by Eric Gorr and ported for low/mid powerband and pump gas. 012in), assembled piston with new wrist pin and bearing, squeezed ring and slipped cylinder over the piston, tightened cylinder to crankcase nut to 24ftlbs, then installed new o-rings with lithium grease and brand The intake valves on a EZGO have the tendency to tighten up to the point it will hold the intake valves open and you'll lose compression. And if a 4 stroke, is a way to determine if your rings or valves are worn. Post Reply. If compression doesn't come up, the engine is getting tired. In a four-stroke engine, there are separate intake, compression, combustion and exhaust strokes. This fewer amount of parts means that two-stroke engines are lighter, though they are also louder. slimpickens Seaman Apprentice. Members; 781 Re: 90 PSI compression on a Robin 244cc 2 stroke, good or bad Try tightening the head bolts a bit. Kinda like a jake brake on a diesel truck. There are two ways of calculating the compression ratio for an engine. The induction stroke is the first phase in a four-stroke (e. Releasing compression on top turns the bottom, down stroke in to an air compresser and makes a good brake that won't lock your wheel. The following is how two-stroke engines work on petrol and diesel engines. Two-stroke engines are popular in smaller machines because they provide a high amount of power with fewer parts than a four-stroke engine. Sealing the rings with oil is a good way to measure what the optimal compression should be. Moderators: oldjapanesebikes, H2RICK, diamondj, Suzsmokeyallan. A 500cc 2 stroke should have at least 140 PSI of compression and 170 The effect of higher compression ratio on fuel consumption and power output was investigated for an air-cooled two-stroke motorcycle engine. 1mm from piston TDC to top of cylinder,I used the nihilo too I see lots of threads on MX YZ250 compression but only a few on the X. Nobody really publishes static compression figures due to the compression release, or the various different tools to test with. Understanding the underlying causes can help diagnose and address the problem effectively. g. If it breaks into more than two pieces, one may escape through the exhaust, leaving the motor with low compression. If it is a 4 stroke, the compression ratio is 9. They don’t have ports like on the Two-Strokes. com here's how I rebuilt the bike the second time around, after the washer fell into the crankcase somehow the first time. Below are notes on my free spreadsheet of 2 stroke calculators. There were no deep scratches on the inside of my cylinder. What should the compression be on a 2 stroke Predator 90 ? Mine has 90-95 psi cold,It recently started bogging really bad and will barely accelerate at all,Has new fuel filter,Spark Plug,Recent Coil & CDI + AirFilter Fuel is ok,how would it act if there was a Reed Valve Problem? ¶ A two stroke compression release allows you to bleed some of compression pressure off from a big bore two stroke engine. What is the normal compression on a 2 stroke EZGO engine? What is the minimum it should have? I just bought a EZGO golf cart with the 2 stroke engine and haven't tested the compression yet. So maybe I have too much time on my hands but I was looking at the service book of my 2011 Mercury 75Hp 2 stroke outboard and I noticed the last compression reading (taken last week) for cylinder 3 was 130psi. 3mm off the insert was too much :/ ive touched the cylinder up a bit, hgs exhaust, vforce4 reeds, mono wiseco forged piston and cut the head. 100 will fire and run but the desirable pressure is as said above 150-200. The compression testers for small two strokes need to have a shrader type valve at the very end of the hose. (At the same time, another crankcase compression stroke is happening beneath the piston. Two-stroke engines are a type of internal combustion engine that is See more The role of compression Contents hide 1 The role of compression 2 Common causes of low compression 2. day, plugs out, throttle wide open. but generally in these motors, running low squish and high compression does help bottom end. 1 Worn or damaged piston rings 2. 2. 2 strokes run that way. luckydutch Recruit. When I warm the bike up and test compression each cylinder reads lower than the last and going back to the original cylinder tested gives the lowest number yet. great site you have. P. So comparing your numbers to your buddies numbers is not a good indication of the health of your engine. 85-0. Advertisement Contents hide 1 Causes of Low Compression 2 Diagnosing Low Compression 3 Addressing Low Compression Causes of Low 2. krook250. if your going to put new rings in you really should buy all new gaskets. Thread starter luckydutch; Start date Aug 5, 2014; L. A 2 I have a YZ144 done by Eric Gorr and ported for low/mid powerband and pump gas. This differs from a four-stroke engine, which requires four strokes—intake, compression, power, and exhaust—to complete the Static compression is a nothing value on all performance engines (4 stroke and 2 stroke) as there are so many variables that contribute to it. It is a 2001 model and currently getting 105 on the top and 100 on the bottom, I've read anything over 90 on this engine is good then I've read 120-135 is what it should be?? Two-Stroke engines should have a compression reading of around 110-130 PSI. I figured my ring was bad so I measured my bore size, it was still stock so I put an oem piston ring in it. on a 4 stroke it is a teat on a boar hog. Remove Advertisements. This eliminates the above mentioned extra volume in the hose and gauge. 70 deg. This is a good way to get used to using spreadsheets. My question is what is an exceptable compression reading for a new motor, all stock except for vforce reed block and a fmf fatty/powercore 2 combo. Difference between the 2-stroke engine and the 4-stroke engine. A 2 stroke compression ignition cycle or 2 stroke diesel engine differs from a 4 stroke diesel engine by the way it generates power in the number of Throttle open or closed makes no difference in a two stroke. Compression stroke 3. Recheck the compression and if it's still low you have internal problems and it may be time for a rebuild. The 2-stroke petrol engine works this way, and the 2-stroke diesel engine works similarly, except it has a fuel injector instead of a spark plug. I used the compression release for years, mostly in the woods. May 1, 2011 #3 This stroke occurs when the piston moves from the top dead center (TDC) to the bottom dead center (BDC). Two-stroke engines should be somewhere between 100-120 PSI per cylinder. Then four-strokes are going to be somewhere between 150-210 PSI! You will see a good compression reading of 150-160 PSI. C. Check the valve lash cold and set it at . 88 EZGO Marathon 2 stroke help w/compression: Gas EZGO: 1988 ezgo 2 stroke to 4 stroke questions: Big Block Talk! 86 Ezgo stroke low compression: Gas EZGO: 85 ezgo 2 stroke lost compression: Gas EZGO: 1988 2 Stroke Compression testing a two stroke tells you very little about the state of the engine. Hi guys I'm rebuilding my top end at 200 hrs, unfortunately I did not measure the stock gaskets or performed a compression test before disassembly I used 2 gaskets (0. This chapter contains sections titled: The Scavenging Process, Ideal Scavenging Processes, Compression Ratio, Two-Stroke Definitions and Symbols, Relationship of Scavenging Ratio and Scavenging Efficiency, Measurement of Scavenging Ratio and Scavenging Efficiency, Two-Stroke Engine Flow Coefficient, Effects of Operating Conditions on Scavenging Ratio, Power to What’s up with your 2 stroke cylinder head kits; are they just another high compression option? In fact, many of our domes are lower compression than the stock heads they replace. That's pretty low compression to start with. 7 to 1. Just totally clean, Im not used to seeing a used engine so Hi, thanks for the info, im a 11cc on the insert. yet the compression was good and the leakage rate above 70%. mtngun's already mentioned it but here's a fuller explanation between corrected and uncorrected compression ratios. Four stroke cycle engine Four stroke cycle engine Suction stroke During suction stroke inlet valve opens and the piston moves downward. I would say I’m advanced as far has mechanic stuff goes, however this guy is a certified outboard mechanic. Sometimes having compression as low as 80 and 90, the engine will still run great! We’ll talk about low results in a minute. Re: 1999 90 hp 2 stroke compression numbers, My service manual, OEM Merc/Mariner PN 90-830234R3 publication date Dec. Two different shadetrees using two different gauges will usually get two different results on the same engine. However, this 2-stroke engine is known for its high power-to-weight ratios, they tend to be less fuel-efficient and generate more emissions than their 4-stroke counterparts. You can see But never reduce compression on any engine, 2 or 4-stroke, by simply installing a thicker head gasket. Nubs Cartaholic - V. YZ250 Question: Just rebuilt the top end on a 2015 YZ250 with a Vertex piston. The compression release will slow your bike down if you pull it while riding at speed. Share More sharing options Followers 0. my original piston came up 200-205 psi at 62 hours on the bike and at the time the RK head was installed. I am trying to figure out some ballpark of where my X’s should be with a fresh top end. The air is sucked through the inlet valve during this stroke. The two-stroke engine and four-stroke engine are different because they use different revolutions of the crankshaft and different numbers of My 1997 RMX250 was only hitting 90 psi compression. The main reason for this is that the piston as it nears the bottom of its stroke opens a port to start allowing the exhaust gases out and a port to allow intake of new mixture. don't put too much oil in or it will increase compression by taking up volume at TDC Static compression is a nothing value on all performance engines (4 stroke and 2 stroke) as there are so many variables that contribute to it. Some of these calculators have never been available till now although engineering types have always been able to figure this stuff out. This animation shows a 2-stroke motor at work: OK, i have had my 02 Yz 125 for about 3-4 months now (moved up from honda 230) and i just got back from a trip to WV and im doing some basic maint. Compression is at 60 psi, it does not smoke. I can kick it a tiny bit when it's cold, but I need to just 13. The results show that actual fuel consumption can Beyond checking compression, carburetion and ignition, Brad says the single most important test to run on a 2-stroke is a leak-down test. 3 Calculating Two-Stroke Compression Ratios You'll need your cylinder, piston with piston rings, head gasket, and cylinder head. I also just wanted to make some people aware that you can't always trust your tester, I'm gonna have to say the snap on unit is accurate and the innova is just a piece of crap that is out by 55psi . Advertisement. 4mm+0. A lever on the handlebar, connected by a cable, to an exhaust valve screwed into the head. 90, maybe 0. How a 2-stroke motor works. Joined Jun 28, 2007 Messages 36. From new it was 140psi. But i came across a compression tester on ebay for like 20 dollars, and after opening the box i imediatly regretted Typical 2 stroke compression is 120-130. Now the Four-Strokes have more moving parts. • After the compression and ignition, the expansion follows in the usual way. Im running the 7376-9 plug, the 10 ran too cold. You'll also need a precise way to measure bore and stroke/depth, a syringe or buret to A 250cc 2 stroke should have 170 PSI or more and 210 PSI when new. Honda 2 Stroke ; Compression test when cold?? Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Newsletter; Compression test when cold?? By krook250, February 10, 2010 in Honda 2 Stroke. i did a compression test today. Remove the spark plug from your tool. The head was missing two head bolts. During the General discussion about Street two-stroke Suzuki motorcycles. Remove the spark plug. Anything lower than 90-100 simply does not atomize properly and would not run. Yes, NO BRAKES. Uncorrected compression ratios are where you measure the pistons swept volume divided by the measured chamber volume at Troubleshooting a 2 stroke bike that won’t start; Engine Spec Data; 2 Stroke tuning calculators; Bikes sold. 006 on the intake and exhaust valves. Poss to have a bit of loosness there that could cause a bit of loss or bad gasket. Two-Stroke Petrol Engine. The goal with our heads is to increase combustion efficiency to get an all around healthier running engine. We chose a direct-injected engine because more Beyond checking compression, carburetion and ignition, Brad says the single most important test to run on a 2-stroke is a leak-down test. The down side was that they sucked dirt in the engine along with the air. Unless the machine is very old like my 1952 McCulloch chain saw, a two stroke seldom wears In this 2-stroke engine, the compression and intake strokes occur as the piston moves upward, while the exhaust and power strokes happen as the piston moves downward. I changed both clutches and the belt. This allows you to kick the engine over easier. Joined Aug 5, 2014 Messages 2. and compression should be at least 205 psi imo for a 0-2k Elevation head per what I herd on TT. I will Helps you to quickly and easily inspect engine compression on both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines; Redesigned and Improved billet gauge manifold with integrated pressure release valve; Easy to read precision 0-300 psi analog gauge with protective rubber boot; Hose and adapters included for 10 mm, 12 mm and 14 mm spark plugs In new, stock form, the compression spec is 6. Compression Ratio Calculator but if you are looking at a 2-stroke, the compression will be much less. . The effect of higher compression ratio on fuel consumption and power output was investigated for an air-cooled two-stroke motorcycle engine. whether this is due to change in port timing or compression or a little of both is very subjective. Posts: 152 Sorry it is a two stroke. 1997 states in section 1C-6 "Important Information", Compression Check: REMOVE SPARK PLUGS Install gauge Hold throttle plate (carb butterflies) at WOT (fully open) Crank engine till gauge peaks Record the reading Check Piston rings are rigid enough that this usually isn't a problem, but it is a weak point, and the piston ring may break there. The download link is at the bottom. In the real world experience, the numbers i quoted "generally" hold true for 2 and 4 cycles. good, bad, ugly? vinnie1234 Petty Officer 2nd Class. It involves the downward movement of the piston, creating a partial vacuum that draws an air-fuel mixture (or air alone, in the case of a direct 2002 70hp 2 stroke compression test results. very slow to take up, and go up hills. Apr 30, 2011 #2 120/130 lbs . I was getting 180 psi @ about 320 ft. They dont 'suck' the mixture (at least not much) like a 4 stroke: the suction part takes place in the crankcase as the piston rises; as it comes down again it compresses it and forces it in to the cylinder when the ports open. The air that is drawn into the cylinder during the suction stroke is compressed during this stroke. Otto cycle or Diesel cycle) engine. check simple things first though, like hom much fuel your getting and the ratio, i like running a 38-40:1 in my sled for good lube but allso good throttle response. Squish (as was learned about a hundred years ago by the great English engineer Sir Harry Ricardo) is one of the more potent anti-detonation Low compression is a common issue in 2-stroke small engines, leading to decreased performance, fuel consumption, and power. Small petrol two-stroke engines are recognized as crankcase-compression engines. FRED Just got back and the engine is a 1997 Yamaha 115HP 2 Stroke non-oil injected that is super clean, when the guy popped the cover off I was shocked. 1985 Honda CR250 – fresh top end rebuild; 1983 Suzuki RM80d; 1974 Yamaha rd350; 1986 Honda CR500; 1971 Honda cb450; 1982 Yamaha yz490 – ran last year; 2x Yamaha L5TA 100cc trailmasters; 1998 Kawasaki kdx200 – good compression Now, the thing about compression tests is that they are generally useless unless you know what the compression on a fresh engine is. The results show that actual fuel consumption can improve by 1-3% for each unit increase Even with a compression release, this should be more than acceptable I would think. Location: Central Wisconsin. don't put too much oil in or it will increase compression by taking up volume at TDC The two-stroke engine completes a power cycle in just two strokes of the piston: an upward stroke (compression) and a downward stroke (power). 90-100 PSI would be a pain to start, but you could actually run it. Recheck compression. 25mm) to set the X dimension according to the service manual (0. Instead, they have intake and exhaust valves that . Throttle open or closed makes no difference in a two stroke. While the minimum compression a 2 stroke engine needs to complete the combustion process is 90 psi, you cannot expect a leaf blower with such a low compression reading to produce much power. What is the proper method to compression test a 2 Stroke? 1) Open the throttle fully 2) Use kick starter to rotate motor until the compression needle stops rising Would performing a leak down test yield better results? The bike is new to me and I am not 100% sure what engine work has been done. ¶ A two stroke compression release allows you to bleed some of compression pressure off from a big bore two stroke engine. However, when I did a compression test it was between 75-80 PSI across all 4 cylinders. But as I try to fire it up, it kicks back and kills my foot and has broken two kick axles. 110 is the "replace rings and piston" time. The motor is extremely clean HOWEVER it has 90 PSI on all three cylinders. Is this nor Push in the kill button, and it's normal two stroke compression (no high comp stuff). I set piston flush with port at bdc then cut the head for squish 0. 100 is getting down there, but I wouldn't myself over it - especially if the bike runs good. #3 04-04-2014, 03:22 PM Wallda. Mostly Harley Sprints with a Bultaco Astro thrown in now and then. How much should an engine compression test cost? Re: 2007 Yamaha 70hp 2 stroke compression Probably the best way to tell is take the boat/motor out to the lake/river and run it for an hour or 2, all RPM's, idle, wide open, listen to the motor, look it over carefully,check the spark plugs, if it runs good, sounds good and looks good, then it's most likely in good shape, especially for a later(2007) model. Last edited by cyber16; 04-04-2014 at 03:12 PM. In a two-stroke engine it is standard practice to calculate compression ratio based on the trapped swept volume i. I was a little surprised to see that the compression is about 215 psi. This seems high to me. I have a 99 yz250, supposedly when i bought it it had a new top end recently, and i have only had it for about 6 months, mostly winter months where i couldnt ride it. I don't know how anyone could get 150 without some serious modifications. e the swept volume after the The two stroke engine employs both the crankcase and the cylinder to achieve all the elements of the Otto cycle in only two strokes of the piston. When I take the spark plug out it kicks over freely like it should. They won't I’m on the cusp of purchasing a 2004 Yamaha 50TLR (2 stroke). Unless the machine is very old like my 1952 McCulloch chain saw, a two stroke seldom wears Recheck compression. 2 Loose or damaged parts 2. According to most manufacturers, even a small 30 cc leaf blower engine should have a reading Way back when two strokes were used for flattrack, many people installed compression releases in their heads to use as a brake. elevation right after I did my top end, but I’ve had a significant drop since then (145 psi). Exhaust stroke. The problem with this is that is also INcreases squish clearance, reducing the squish effect. on two stroke a compression test is quick easy and painless. High compression was first made popular during the 60's with big v-8 racing engines(4-stroke) and compression ratios went up to 13-1 or more. I checked the head gasket and added two bolts still at 60psi. All of my experience with 2 stroke outboards has been that you want a range of 110-125 compression. Most recommend a cylinder leak-down test. seioogp exzird mjhuuj gikis vschk pmp osb uln szkstxoe wcnnk hxlicy puto lwfjul dlexl lfbaut